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Experiencing God's hand in your Life

Bible Verse: John 2:1-6

Many of us have previously gone through these verses in the Bible which talks about the miracle Jesus performed by turning water to wine. But one thing most people ignore is that the miracle didn't just happen. Somethings were set for the miracle to happen. Let's discuss what happened there and how we can apply it in our Life.

#1.  Personal Invitation

Reading verse 2, we see that Jesus was invited to the event. It wasn't by chance or luck. He didn't just come across the event. For us to experience the supernatural in our career, relationships, health, e.t.c we must first invite him into our life.

#2.  State the problem

Reading verse 3, we see that Mary states the problem to Jesus. Who knows what would have happened if she hadn't stated the problem.
Most of us make a mistake of thinking God knows our problems so we don't have to state them to him. Let God know what you're facing so he can help us.

#3.  Be hopeful

Reading Verse 5, we see that Mary was hopeful. She knew that Jesus had the capacity to solve the problem.  No matter what the challenge that comes your way, hope and believe that God has the capacity to solve your problem.

#4.  Whatever God says you should do, do it

Reading Verse 5, we see that Jesus gave the instruction, the obeyed and had the result they wanted. Are you still holding on to your knowledge?  Why don't you obey the one who created you. He loves us so much and wants the best for us. And as we obey him, we will experience his riches and glory In Jesus Name (Amen).


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