"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions". ---Dalai Lama
The benefits of been happy is countless to the human well-being. Life is too short to be unhappy. Being happy plays a major role in your health; being unhappy for so long takes a toll on our health and also sabotages our relationships with friends and family. These are 3 things taking your happiness.
Holding grudges does more harm to you who keeps the grudge than to the person who offended you. It can cause you to loose good friends due to your negligence caused by you having a grudge and leads to health problems.
Develop the habit of forgiveness. Don't spend your time nurturing malicious thoughts. If someone hurt you, forgive and let go. When you forgive and let go, you experience inner peace, a renewed source of energy in which you can use for other activities.
Past Failures
Sometimes our past failure has a way of tormenting us, not wanting us to be happy and appreciate what we have currently. We must not dwell on the past and move beyond our past mistakes and shortcomings understanding that they serve as a deterrent example for us to change our methodology.
The Unknown Future
This is usually a result of lack of preparation, delaying or not making the right decisions. Most times, it is usually our conscience telling us to repostion ourself for the future.
Don't the fear of the unknown prevent you from being happy. By stopping procrastination and making the right decision, some kind of emotional burden is lifted from our minds and we thus experience happiness.
Unhappiness doesn't solve any of our problems, instead it compiles to it. We should make being happy our lifestyle even going through trials of life.
Final Words
What are the other sources of unhappiness you know? Share it with us, leave it in the comment section below. We love hearing from you.
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