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5 Facts About Life You Might Regret Not Admitting Sooner Than Later

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress. -Anwar Sadat

Life is guided by some timeless principles, facts, which governs all activities done in our world. Ignoring these facts may lead to major regrets in the future for not taking the required steps in the past. These are 5 Facts About Life You Might Regret Not Admitting Sooner Than Later

Facts about life, regret, happiness

Fact 1: Power for a change lies in you

Humans are the only creature born with a special gift: a gift of choice. While other species only have the ability to react, we were born with both the power to act and react. The ability to act or react depends on our choice of response. 

We are born with the power to choose between good or bad, the power to choose between prosperity or mediocrity. For most people, they let their subconscious do the choosing for them; they never take actions, they just run on autopilot. Being proactive, thinking while thinking, should be our focus. Thinking about our actions before carrying them out, should be our goal.

The power of change starts with us being proactive. It starts with us taking control of our thoughts by developing good principles to guide our lives. There is no better time for a change.  The best time is right now, today, this hour, this minute.

Fact 2: Your friends influence your decisions more than you think

A friend is like a wine-skin and you are the wine. If a bad wine-skin is used to hold a good wine, no matter how good the wine was, the wine starts tasting bad with time. Also, if a good wine is placed in a good wineskin, both the wine and the wine-skin is appreciated more due to their quality.

The quality of the kinds of friends we keep rubs-off on us with time. For example, looking back in time we discover that most of the decisions we have made in some previous time in our lives were to some extent influenced by our friends. For some who have consumed alcohol, smoked cigarette, decided to improve their life, chose a career path, first kissed a lady e.t.c most of your decisions were influenced by your friends.

It is not the quantity of friends we keep that matters but the good qualities our friends add to us. It is about keeping friends who add positive value to us. Friendship is by choice not by force therefore we should choose friends who live their lives based on good principles and can bring us closer to our purpose in life(. 

Fact 3: Your future is an outcome for what you do now

Most times people dream of a lovely and rosy future. They dream of being great and prosperous. I believe dreams are good but dreams without an applied effort will eventually lead to just a dream that is, it will never be a reality.

One of the principles, facts, about life is seed time and harvest time. You can't have a harvest without you sowing. The effort you apply determines the output you get. From the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, we learn the 10000 hours principle. The principle says the difference between people who are extremely successful in their respective field and others on their own field is 10000 hours.

Fact 4: Possessions don't guarantee happiness

We are currently in a materialistic world in which people's mind have being wired to link material things to happiness. Part of the way humans were created is to have an unsatisfied hunger. That is the reason we loose interest over something after a while. For example, when we purchase a house, after a while you get tired of the house and want to purchase a bigger house. When we purchase a car, after a while you loose interest in the car and want to purchase a better car.

Our happiness depends on how we discipline our minds. We should be happy with what we have. We should not link our happiness to just one person; may be your spouse or one event; may be if our sport team wins. We should be happy over little things like being alive, whole and healthy (Read 3 things holding down your happiness.

Fact 5: The Greatest accomplishments results from simple acts

People wonder how little things they have done make a difference to the world but one thing they ignore is the impact of what they have done on the person's life. The journey of a thousand miles begin with a first step, great accomplishments start with helping someone in need by a simple act of kindness. It begins with putting a smile on

the face of everyone we meet, planting a tree, giving to someone in need, helping an elderly person cross the road.  They are all simple acts yet they all play big role in both your life and the person you helped. Simple accomplishments like that builds our confidence therefore giving us momentum to accomplish greater things (Read Creating a Legacy- 5 Characteristics of Great Men)

Final Words

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