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6 Ultimate Causes Of Break Up You Must Avoid In Your Relationship

Break up in any relationship isn't an experience anybody wishes for but most time it  find its way into relationships. The truth is that break-up comes as a result of failing to do somethings in our relationship or ignoring somethings in our relationship. These are the 6 Ultimate Causes Of Break Up You Must Avoid In Your Relationship.


1.  Not Spending Enough Time

 A relationship is an investment which requires you to spend time nurturing it for it to grow. You can't understand someone when you haven't spent time with the person. There are some hidden characters and traits your partner which you can't understand until you spend time with them.

Relationship is all about understanding; understanding comes as a result of communication with your partner. Communication improves when you spend time with your partner. You tend to discover their likes, dislikes and true nature when you spend time with them.

2.  Lies

Lies are viruses in a relationship, they eat up the relationship. Lying to your partner breaks the trust bond between you and your partner. An apology is a good thing and can heal the wound caused by the lies but it will take time for the wholes caused by the lies to heal.

Tell your partner the truth. Don't wait for the perfect time to tell the truth just say it straight away. Saying the truth can save you and your partner from future problems when the truth finally reveals itself.

3.  Acting Based On What Other People Tell You

 Be proactive in your relationship. Don't let your decisions be based on what you have heard people say about your partner.  Nobody is an island of knowledge, you can learn from what other people say or tell but never let your partner suffer as a result of what you have heard. (Read 9 Warning Signs You’re in Bad Company)

You're not the only person in the relationship. Make sure the decisions you make is based on an agreement with you and your partner and will result in bringing you and your partner closer.

4.  Over Familiarity

As a relationship develops and the amount of time that have been spent together in the relationship increases, the people involved start getting too familiar with each other and start taking their partner for granted.  This can cause boredom in a relationship.

Don't stop doing the things that attracted your partner to you because you feel it isn't necessary due to the fact on the time both of you have spent in the relationship. Keep on dressing the way you did, go to the places you used to go to, impress your partner; make them always have the feeling they had when the relationship just started.

One of the ways of preventing over familiarity is regular communication. Ask your partner for their feeling on the things you do.

5.  Selfishness

Your relationship isn't about you, if you want it to be all about then it will be better for you to be alone, its about you and your partner coming together as one. Your actions and decisions should be based on that mindset not for your selfish reason.

Relationship is also about accountability. Be accountable to your partner. Seek to understand, then be understood. Let your partner know the choices are made after putting them to consideration.

6.  Forget The Past

You can't enjoy the beauty of life if you are still holding on to the past. Don't let your decisions be made on past wrongs made by your partner. Let go of the past and move on. Enjoy the present with your partner and work toward a better future for your relationship. The fact is that there is no future, the future is as a result of what you do now. (Read 5 Unique Ways To Forgive and Let Go)


The little decisions you make in your relationship adds up to make big impacts in your relationship. The power is in your hands to decide whether you want it to make a positive impact or negative impact.

Final Words

What other things do you think breaks a relationship.  Share it with us, we love your comments.


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