Every dream has its requirement, a price which must be paid. Dreams don't happen by mere wishes; you must reposition yourself for the manifestation of the dream. The ready stage is the stage of reservation.Imagine you are with a bow and arrow, and you are about to shoot a target on the wall. This is the ready stage. You must know the context of your dream: what you want to achieve. The knowledge and skill-set required to achieve to achieve your dream.
Writing and documentation is of great importance. It serves as a checklist for us to measure our progress and development. (Read 10 simple Truths Smart People Forget)
Now imagine that you know the location of your target and you're about to shoot the arrow. You want the arrow to make a positive impact on your target, so you retract the arrow. You make the arrow go backward for it to have sufficient power before shooting. This is the retraction stage.I believe the main cause that results in living a life of mediocrity is not retracting enough.
Take time to develop your knowledge and the skill-set required for you to achieve your dream. Invest in yourself. Success doesn't happen overnight, it is a lifestyle developed as a result of the summation of the little things you achieve."Everybody wants the treasure but are not ready to sail"
-----My Path Guide
Without retraction, the release doesn't have the same impact. Sometimes, you have to move backward before you can make positive impact. This is clearly seen in the life of South Africa's first black president, Nelson Mandela, who was locked up in prison. It was within the prison walls he developed himself to be the president.
Exposure is of great importance. Spend time with people who have achieved what you are setting out to do. Get wisdom from them. Be conscious of the company you keep; they have a major role to play in your life. (Read 9 Signs You Are In A Bad Company)
This is the stage you fire your arrow. Fear makes people live a life of mediocrity in this stage. They are scared of failure, what people will say. People ask theirself a question like what if the arrow doesn't meet the target; what next will happen. The answer is that you pick up the arrow, then you shoot again.Thomas Edison, who invented the electric bulb, said it's not how many times I failed, I just saw reasons why that process won't work. Go back to the aiming stage, check for what you missed from the ready stage and try again. In most situations in life, it takes your consistency and tenacity to break-through obstacles and open-up closed gates.
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