7 Business Facts You Were Not Taught In School

Statistics show that more than 95% of newly start up businesses close before 10 years. Most of the businesses had enthusiastic leaders with exciting ideas, products and services but still couldn't stand the test of time. Why do history keep repeating itself? Statistics also shows that 1 out of every 10 entrepreneur who ventures into business had a business degree from a business school.

After doing some personal research my self, I have found out that the main cause of this high failure rate for entrepreneurs is as a result of some business facts they didn't obtain in school. These are 7 business facts they were not taught in school.

business facts, business school, business facts not taught in school

1.  The Heart Of A Business Is Marketing and Sales

The essence or end point goal of a business is to generate revenue. Cash-flow is essential for the sustainability of any business. No matter how incredible the idea which led to the formation of a business and a mind-blowing product or service that caps-off the idea, if sales isn't made, it will all lead to frustration.

Not marketing your business is like blinking in the dark. No one sees your product therefore no sales finally resulting into no revenue. Without revenue, a business can't be sustained and fore-closure.

2.  Perfection Is Not  A Business Word

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5 Signs it is time to Quit that Relationship

"I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every minute that passes you have the opportunity to change that." -Gillian Anderson

Relationship is about two people coming together to complement each other for a greater purpose. It shouldn't be about 'I' or 'me'; it should be about more of 'we' and 'us'. Sometimes, you just have to let go of what you're holding to experience something new. These are 5 Signs it is time to Quit that Relationship.

quit relationship, signs

1.  You are the only one making the effort

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Putting Yourself on the Fast track Part 3 : Niche strategy, how to make an impression

As described in previous edition of this series, life can be described as a race with some tracks faster than the other. Ever wondered that the same thing doesn't happen to everybody? People are not equal; if people were equal, why will there be variation in students grade or in the salary of employees in an organization.  Have you not discovered that they are some people who are specially appreciated in an event.

Niche strategy, Fast track

Developing Niche Strategy

Niche strategy is the capacity of an individual to work on himself that his/her success will be paramount to the success of the organization. For example: how is Barcelona FC without Messi or how is Real Madrid FC without Ronaldo? Both teams look very ordinary I guess. This mean that Messi has built a niche strategy that his success is essential to the success of his team.
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3 things holding down your happiness

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions".  ---Dalai Lama

The benefits of been happy is countless to the human well-being. Life is too short to be unhappy.  Being happy plays a major role in your health; being unhappy for so long takes a toll on our health and also sabotages our relationships with friends and family.  These are 3 things taking your happiness.


Holding grudges does more harm to you who keeps the grudge than to the person who offended you. It can cause you to loose good friends due to your negligence caused by you having a grudge and leads to health problems.
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Putting yourself on the fast track Part 2 (How)

Everybody craves to be on "lane 1" due to it appears easier than other lane but the fact is that not everybody can be on the lane. In this Part 2, we will be discussing how to put ourselves on the fast track.

Read Putting yourself on the fast track Part 1

fast track, business, entrepreneurship

 #1.   Make yourself indispensable

The moment anyone can replace you in any organization or any place you're in; then you are not fast. Make your major goal anywhere you find yourself to be "being indispensable".
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Putting your self on the Fast Track Part 1

Life has been given so many definitions by so many philosophers, but one of my favorite is the comparison of life to a race. Life is a race in which everyone runs on tracks. But truthfully speaking, life isn't fair, some tracks are faster than others we have so many variations of people: the rich, the middle class, the poor. How come some people are ahead of others in this race?  How come some people get promoted at work while some don't? Is it that some people are just born lucky? 

Answering these questions can be the secret in unlocking the doors to our breakthrough in life. Success in life is generally 99% hardworking, 1% luck. Lets discuss one of the secret in putting ourselves on the fast track.

Fast track

The Multiplication & Addition Effect

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Experiencing God's hand in your Life

Bible Verse: John 2:1-6

Many of us have previously gone through these verses in the Bible which talks about the miracle Jesus performed by turning water to wine. But one thing most people ignore is that the miracle didn't just happen. Somethings were set for the miracle to happen. Let's discuss what happened there and how we can apply it in our Life.

#1.  Personal Invitation

Reading verse 2, we see that Jesus was invited to the event. It wasn't by chance or luck. He didn't just come across the event. For us to experience the supernatural in our career, relationships, health, e.t.c we must first invite him into our life.

#2.  State the problem
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