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Developing a Winning Team

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is success".
winning team, motivation, success

Winners create their own path. You can continue doing the things you do and still be a failure. Winning is not just an event, it is a lifestyle that leads to the event. For you to join the winning side, you have to live the winning lifestyle. These are some pre-requisite you need to move to the winning side:

Win the distraction game.

This is a game we must win. Producers are strategically advertising to consumers, influencing the decisions leading to distraction from making right choices. There is a great battle between producers, the advertisers, and the consumers. Which side do you think is the winning side? The producers of course. Which side do you belong to?
For you to win the game, you must move to the winning side. Focus on production not consumption. Schedule your time and know the value of time. Don't spend all your time glued to cable television or your computer. Spending about 30 minutes checking your mail daily won't hurt. If it is so important the person will call you.

Build a winning team.

For there to be a winning side, there must be a winning team. If you follow soccer, imagine the present world footballer of the year, Lionel Messi of Barcelona, placed in a team like Kwara United FC. What do you think will happen? Do you think he can win the champions league? No he won't. He will still perform well but I don't see him winning the champions league. As it is in soccer, so is it in business and all other aspects of life. You can't do it all by yourself. Surround yourself will people with similar interests and like goals. It is easier to rise when you fall with your team supporting you. The main reason people don't achieve their dreams is because they lack a winning team. Winners don't quit because they have a team behind them. You must grow your leadership capacity to build a team.

Review your GPS.

A winning side has a GPS that keeps them on track. Your GPS is your goals, priority and strategy. A winning side has a common goal, set priority and develop a strategy they are to use to achieve their goal. A winning side is usually flexible with their strategy. If their strategy doesn't work, they change it. Failing doesn't mean you are a failure. It means you should be flexible and change your strategy.

Final Words.

What do you think makes a winning side that is not on the list. Share your views with us. Leave it in the comment section below.


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