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4 Secrets Of Never Ending Relationship

Humans were made for relationship. Every point in our live, we get into one kind of relationship; relationship with friends. family, co-workers, spouse. The irony is that as nice as being in a relationship starts up to be, as the relationship continues it can be quite frustrating. The frustration starts when you fail to do what you ought to do  in the relationship. These are 4 secrets of never ending relationship.



1.  Appreciation

Humans thrive better in the environment in which they are appreciated. A place where the contributions they make is acknowledged. Appreciation brings out the best in people.

Cultivate an habit of appreciating the people in your life. Appreciate their presence in your life. Thank them for their contributions in your life. Don't nag or complain about how incapable they are or how you are better than them. They made a conscious decision to be part of your life; appreciate them for them for that.

Appreciation is more than just the words; it  goes a long way. You are actually depositing in the emotional bank account of the person when you appreciate their presence in your life. For your relationship to stand the test of time, you must develop the habit of appreciation.

2.  Spending Time

For any investment to yield returns, you must spend time understanding the principles of the investment; so also in relationships. You need to regularly spend quality time with the people in your life. Relationship is all about understanding and understanding comes when you spend time with your partner.

In this present century, people give work as an excuse for not spending time. They complain of how busy their working schedule is. Don't yield to that. Spend  time with your partner , discover their likes and dislikes and their hobbies. All these can save you from future stress and can be discovered only when you spend time with your partner.

3.  Honesty

Anything is better than lies.  They are like a cancer in the heart and soul.  They eat away what is good and leave only decay and devastation behind.  If you spend your life learning to lie to the people around you, not only will you hurt and deceive them, you will also hurt and deceive yourself – you will forget your own truth.

There is perhaps no phenomenon that is more destructive to a relationship than dishonesty, which permits envy, hate and deception to be acted out under the guise of love and virtue.  Even the smallest, seemingly innocent lies eventually snowball into larger issues.  Stand by the whole truth – your truth – always.  If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT!  If you say you’re going to be somewhere, BE THERE!  If you say you feel something, MEAN IT!  If you can’t, won’t and don’t, then DON’T LIE. (Read Reasons Your Relationship Is Suffering)

Every relationship should be built on honesty , It is the best foundation.

4.  Gifts

Gifts are important in any relationship, they rekindle the relationship. Both parties must develop the habit of regularly present each other with gifts. Giving gifts to your partner tells them you acknowledge and appreciate their presence in your life and also ignites their commitment to the relationship.

Final Words

What other secrets of never ending relationship do you know. Leave it in the comment section below.


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