Independent of your field or expertise be it sport, music, business, education e.t.c. God expects you to make a difference in any area you are in. It's not until you have abundant resources or be in a certain social position before you make a difference. Stop giving the excuse that you have to reach certain social height or have abundant resources before contributing. Giving excuses is like wrapping a stone in paper and then expecting it to float. Giving excuses for failing won't make you succeed. These are ways to make a difference.
Be proactive: Don't wait for things to happen; cause them to happen. The only things thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people is for good people to do nothing. When something negative happens around you, what is your response? Do you act to events or just react to them?
Being proactive is about you choosing how to your reaction. Power is developed with action. You might not have the power to end the negative event but there is something you can do that can lead to the solution. Be a force for good anywhere you find yourself. Help people who won't return the favour and you will be surprised to know that you were actually helping yourself.
Little things sum up: Nothing starts great. Every great thing big started small. It is the little things if done consistently that amounts great. The challenge is that most times, we keep waiting for big projects, top jobs to come our way and miss out on the small thing which could have amounted to be great. Start making a difference with the little things you do. Be faithful with it, stay on the course with it and you will be surprise the difference you will make.
Excellence is of importance when carrying out your activities. People are attracted to excellence. Don't do things shabbily because you think it is little and insignificant. It is the little things turn great great things.
Be a problem solver: People who make the difference are problem solvers. They see a problem, they think of a solution and they solve the problem. You can't make a difference without solving a problem. Start by solving the problems in your community. Add value to people around you. Don't shy away from problems; the are stepping stones for you.The greatest regret in life is not failing; it is failing to try.
Be connected to your maker: There will always be somethings you won't understand. You can't do it all by yourself. You must be connected to God your maker. Ask God in prayer and seek him through studying his word for the purpose of your life. If you diligently ask him, he will reveal your purpose to you. After he reveals it to you, stay focused on the course . The road will not be easy but God will not abandon you.
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