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5 Things You Might Regret Not Doing Sooner

People usually say life is too short for regret. But the truth is that it is too long.
- Sarah Addison Allen

One of the painful things to deal with in life is regret. Knowing that you had the power to make your life better than it is right now can really hurt. But the truth is that everyday we wake up we are given another chance to improve our live. These are 5 things you might regret not doing sooner.


1.  Not Taking The Opportunity

Opportunity is Gods' gift for us to improve our live; to take our live to the next level. Sometimes the opportunity comes to us as a problem. A problem we know we have the solution to. It can also come to us as a challenge in which we have to step up our abilities or get out of our comfort zones. The challenge is that we are often too scared of the opportunity. We are scared of failure, scared of what other people will say; so we ignore the opportunity.

The greatest regret in life is not failure; it is not trying at all. You can never know how far you will go unless you venture in it.

2.  Living Your Life To Please Other People

Living your life just to impress someone, just to be acknowledged by someone can really hurt. The truth is that you can never satisfy anybody. It will only end up in disappointment for you.

Nobody can appreciate you more than you appreciate yourself. Why don't you stop living in someone Else's shadow and start living your life.

3.  Appreciate What You Currently Have

 Hold on for a while. Take a breathe in and breathe out. Feel the miracle happening now,"say thank you". The greatest thing you have is your life. Be grateful for the small things you have.

Things might not look perfect but appreciating the little things give room for bigger things.

4.  Letting Go Of The Past

Sometime, things don't work well as we planned. Life has other plans for you, so let go of the past. Pick up what you have learn from the past and let it go.

You can't enjoy the present if you still dwell on the past. You alone have the power to make a change in your life. Focus your energy on the present. Remember there is no future; the future is what you do with your time now.

5.  Not Spending Time With People You Love

Don't get caught up in the rat race. Life is not only about setting career goals, financial goals, physical goals, e.t.c Although they are important but it is the memories of the times you spent with your loved ones that are priceless.

Remember, nobody lives forever. Make an effort to spend time with the people that you love. Passing through obstacles with the people you love around you makes the obstacle seem easier. They can easily pull you up when you are down. Someday you will either regret not doing so, or you will say, I'm glad I did.

Your Time

What other things do you think people do that they may regret not doing so sooner. Share it with us in the comment section below.

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