Mistake #1. Telling our Partner everything about our Past Relationships
Because you just started a new, romantic relationship and you feel secure and confident in this new relationship doesn't mean you have to tell your partner all what have happened in your previous relationships. You might say to yourself " he/she loves me and will accept me for who I am so let me tell him.my past relationships ". Telling your partner your previous relationships sows seeds of suspicion ans chariness in your partner's heart. The trust your partner used to have reduces due to he now has a standard to measure your actions.
Your Partner might ask questions about your previous relationships. Tell your partner what he/ she needs to know. Don't get carried away. Keep the naughty aspect to yourself. It's of no use in your new relationship.
Mistake #2. Having a Super-hero Expectation
Some people start a relationship expecting their partner to be their personal super-hero. They expect that any time they call their partners' name, their partner should be with them. For some, that is one of the reasons that made them to start the relationship. They think being in a relationship can fill the emptiness in their heart.
Clear out every expectation at the start of the relationship. If you are a guy and you start dating an expensive lady, let her know if you were born with a silver spoon or plastic spoon. Create ground rules for you and your partner to abide by. Relationship is more about sacrifice. You partner is human and has his/ her flaws. Help your partner develop their weakness.
Mistake #3. Sex
Most people shy away from discussions when it comes to sex. It has a lot to do with relationships. Do you think it is right to have sex at the beginning of a new relationship? Think about it for a moment.
There are somethings that are worth the wait of which sex is one. Don't rush into having sex with your partner when the relationship. You might feel the physical attraction but learn to control yourself. Relationships are for adults and adults should have self control.
Most people think this only affects the lady in the relationship. I agree, it affects the lady and also the man in the relationship. You can get the lady pregnant or catch a disease in the process of having sex and what seemed to have started out as love can become hatred.
Mistake #4. Comparing your Partner with others
Comparing your partner with others will only lead to both you and your partner getting hurt. Your partner is unique in his/ her way. Appreciate their uniqueness. Quit comparing your partner to your friends partner or your ex. Your partner can never measure up to them; he/ she is unique. Learn to love them the way they are and encourage them. That will bring out the best in him/ her.
Mistake #5. Not being accountable to someone.
The purpose of every relationship is to lead to marriage at one point in the future. Between the point of starting the relationship to the point of marriage and even beyond, they are going to be obstacles. You may be passing through a difficult time in the relationship and your partner might no be available. Have someone who you know will advise you in the right direction and can help straighten problems between you and your partner. The person should have had reasonable experience in solving problems for example; your parent, pastor, counselor e.t.c.
Your Turn
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