1. Just Gave it a Try
Trial products never last because they always come with an expiry date. For you to make a trial product permanently yours, you have to put an extra effort before conversion to a full product can take place. Giving your partner a try is you giving your relationship an expiry date. It limits the effort both of you put in that relationship. Trying your partner creates a negative atmosphere for the relationship which will eventually lead to the relationship ending when it reaches its expiry date.2. You didn't Trust Your Partner
A lot has been said about trust in our current time. What most movies, television programmes and people in general preach is that you should never trust anyone even our loved ones and family. They portray an image of trust being for weaklings; resulting to you neglecting the importance of trust. Where there is no trust, there is strive. Where there is strive, there is no love resulting to a competition mind-set in the relationship. Competition brings insecurity which kills commitment therefore bringing the relationship to its end.Quoting the words of George McDonald, "it is greater complement to be trusted than to be loved." The main ingredient of any successful relationship is trust. Neglecting trust is preparing for failure in a relationship.
3. I can do it all by myself
If you can do everything your-self then a relationship wasn't made for you. It will be better for you to just stay single and spend the rest of your life alone. Sounds fun right?Relationship is about synergy, it's about two people leaving something good to create something better. It's about working together for success. It is not an 'I' affair is it a 'we' affair. A relationship that is an 'I' affair eventually ends up being I, that is, the relationship ends.
4. Wrong Expectations
This is very common amongst young couple who live false, exaggerated lives just to impress a his/her partner. As the relationship progresses, their partner gets totally disappointed when he/she finds out who they really are and ends up quitting the relationship.Basketball coach and legend Rick Pitino captured the principle of honesty simply and profoundly; lying makes a problem part of the future; truth makes a problem part of the past (quoted from Steve Covey's book the 8th habit). Starting a relationship with the foundation being lies is like building a ten storey building on paper. It will eventually collapse.
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