4 Things holding you back from moving on with your life

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live. -Dorothy Thompson.
4 Things holding you back from moving on with your life

You have decided that you are not gaining anything from your relationship, friendship or job and you have also decided that you will quit. Months have passed since your decision and you still find yourself at the same place, you haven't finalized your decision. These are 4 things holding you back from moving on.

1.   Fear of the unknown

One of the greatest fear which limits human is the fear of the unknown. This is being scared of what the future holds for you. Winning the battle against this fear holds the key to move on with your life. One of the ways I conquer this fear is me trusting my creator; God, and me also putting my best and believing for the best result in what am about to do.

One of the things that intensify this fear which I have previously experienced in my life and I have also seen in people's life is past or present failure. Failure has a way of enriching this fear. For example, because you past and present relationships failed doesn't mean you won't get married. It might only mean there is something you need to change in your attitude. Failure is fatal when you consider it final. Move on with your life, forget past failures and unlock your true potential.

2.   Too addicted to let go

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Creating a New Start

Starting Over
The first duty of man is to conquer fear; he must get rid of it, he cannot act till then. -Thomas Carlyle
Have you ever wondered where your life is heading to? What turn it is taking. Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things life has been showing you? Where are you actually going to? Do you know? If your life is not going the way you planned it, why not take a U-turn right where you are. It is not too late. How do I take the turn you might ask?

1.  Making a decision

This is the first step to starting a new thing. Without a decision nothing can be accomplished. Making a decision is the most important and essential part in starting all over again. You might have been on a road and gone past a lot of roadblocks and difficulties but you keep persevering and making yourself unhappy just to satisfy others and hoping one day you will leave all behind. If you have not yet made the decision to leave you will keep persevering and hurting yourself until you finally summon the courage to take the turn then you will but without the decision you won't. So decide now to take the turn and start over.

2.  Build up your courage

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5 Mistakes You Should Never Make as an Entrepreneur

Starting up your business in the right way determines how fluent your business will go. Most new entrepreneurs make some deadly mistakes which eventually kills their business while in a haste to make money. These are 5 mistakes you should never make...

5 Mistakes You Should Never Make As an Entrepreneur

1.  Taking a shortcut to make money

There is no shortcut for success or making money legally. Money only responds to value. The more valuable you become the more money you make. Don't fall for any get rich scheme (even the schemes from Nigerian Telecommunication Networks).

A while ago I was speaking to a friend who went into a business with a partner to sell a product. He told me that will be making about 40% of the product and he could make some millions in profit in few weeks. What a business! I was told some details about the business and I immediately discouraged him. It was too simple and through to be good but he carried ahead and eventually lost the money invested into the business. Am not saying you shouldn't engage in business activities with other people. What I am saying in for you to do some research before engaging in any business no matter how close you are to the potential business partner.

2.  Not documenting transactions

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4 Reasons Why Your Last Relationship Ended

Building a strong relationship takes real effort and sacrifice. It involves putting the well-being of your partner, growth and happiness ahead of yours. Failing to do this will lead to the premature end of the relationship. These are 4 Reasons why your last relationship failed. 

relationship nded, broken relationship, reasons why your last relationship ended

1.  Just Gave it a Try

Trial products never last because they always come with an expiry date. For you to make a trial product permanently yours, you have to put an extra effort before conversion to a full product can take place. Giving your partner a try is you giving your relationship an expiry date. It limits the effort both of you put in that relationship. Trying your partner creates a negative atmosphere for the relationship which will eventually lead to the relationship ending when it reaches its expiry date.

2.  You didn't Trust Your Partner

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5 Untold Secrets To Keeping A Successful Relationship

Most time when problems develop in a relationship, people go about searching for solutions in wrong places. They fail to see that the cause of the problem is as a result of them missing out on the basics of keeping a relationship. These are 5 untold secrets to keeping a successful relationship.

secrets to a sucessful relatioship, happy couple, success in a relationship

Accept the uniqueness of your partner

Your partner isn't you and you are not your partner. You are very different from your partner. There is already enough difference between a boy and a girl. Most times people compare themselves to their partner while neglecting their differences and their background. They blame them for the problems they are experiencing in the relationship.

You don't expect your partner to like everything you like; only a programmed robot can do that, neither do you expect your partner to always know what you are thinking of; only if your partner has a mystical power, then that's permitted. Learn to accept the uniqueness of your partner, appreciate his/her strengths and weakness. Don't focus on his/her weaknesses; work together to nullify his/her weaknesses. Love is about complementing strengths and weaknesses not backbiting and insulting your partner due to his/her weaknesses.


Be a mesh -Develop the "us" approach

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4 Steps in Managing The Stress of Not Yet Achieving

 managing stress of not yet achieving, new year goals

The holiday season is over and it is time to get back to work. We have set goals and made resolutions for the year. Trying to achieve these goals and keeping to the resolutions can input a lot of stress on us. Not managing the stress of not yet achieving your goals can lead to exhaustion, under-productivity and frustration. These are the four steps in managing the stress of not yet achieving.


1.  Dream big and set realistic goals

The first step is to set realistic goals but still dream big. Goals should be set with corresponding times for their completion. Goals help simplify complex tasks into little set of routines which relieves the pressure of not yet achieving and also make you feel relax and in control.

2.  Be consistent and build momentum

Completing a goals out of your set of goals bring confidence. Being consistent and completing other goals brings about self assurance which increases your confidence in your ability therefore reducing the stress caused by not achieving.

3.  Be patient and calm

Every great thing started small. Microsoft Incorporation started with two college boys, Facebook began in the room of some college boys. Patience and time is the key to long time success. We should always keep our calm and stick to the completion of our set goals. Focusing so much on the distance we are still to cover results in unnecessary stress which will have a negative impact on our performance.

4.  Sharpen the saw

Talent without action will eventually lead to regret. The key to long time success is regularly reviewing and correcting our goals and steps until it becomes part of us. No child starts walking at his/her first attempt. Staying dedicated to the course is what creates lasting success.

Talk Back

Which other method do you use to manage stress of not yet achieving? Share it with us, leave them in the comment section below. We love your comments.
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