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Walking in Love: What you need and what the world need

love between two couples

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. -Mother Teresa
When we are told to walk in love what often come to our mind is why should we walk in love, the world hasn't done much for me, most people don't really care about me so why should I show love to these people. You can never unlock your full strength and abilities if you don't walk in love. People who create legacies only set their legacy through their love walk. Life's journey is much easier when we work in love and we can only fulfill our potentials when we walk in love.

Most times in life, the world often despise people who show them love. The world considers people walking in love as being weak and they are often prosecuted and taken for granted. What happens at the end is that their love walk pays dividends. Being great is not about fulfilling your needs alone, its about taking a bigger step and fulfilling the needs of others. Most people at first run away from love but end up coming back when they see the love continues and the love shown to them is genuine. What people really need is love. When people have what they want they no longer want what they have because material things are only short time fix. The hidden desire of everyone is love. Walking in love heals you and then heals the world through you.

Walking in love is the only lasting solution. Walking in love is the permanent fix to your problems and the world problems. The world awaits you to start your love walk. Success awaits you when you walk and act in love. When you walk in love you see people’s problem and solutions to their problem. When you walk in love you are destined for greatness.


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