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Unemployment Depression: Encouragement for the Unemployed

Let’s face it; one of the most devastating things a person can experience is getting laid off from work or being turned down for numerous positions due to business slowing or shutting down.

Today, while applying for jobs, I begin to feel hopeless, somewhat depressed and a desire to give up.  There’s nothing worse than being told, “We’re not hiring” or “we’ll contact you if we’re interested” leaving you no hope of employment.

Glory be to God, there’s encouragement for those dealing with unemployment depression and stress.  Although you may have lost your job and feel like giving up, though you may feel scared, I want to encourage you and let you know that you’re not alone; that our help comes from the Lord.

However, in order for you to see that, one must fight the depression and stress associated with unemployment.   Choosing not to fight depression will make it difficult for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It will affect you while you seek employment and possibly hinder you from seeking the helping hand of the Lord.


Pick Yourself Up and Fight Unemployment Depression

Guard Your Thoughts

Loss of income and financial security can cause unemployment depression and leave one stressed about money.  There is nothing worse than being unemployed and scared; wondering if you’ll ever find a job.  As a Christian dealing with depression due to unemployment, it is vital for you to guard your thoughts at all times during this transition.

The devil will use every opportunity he has to whisper doubt, fear, worry, anxiety and anything else that’s contrary to the spirit of the Lord.  Guard your thoughts and allow no room for the devil to plant seeds of despair and worry.

Cast Your Cares upon the Lord

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalms 55:22; NIV).

Give your depression and worries to the Lord as the scripture encourages you to do so because the Lord does in fact care about your financial needs.  He cares even when you think He doesn’t, He understands although it may seem as though no one else understands; even when you feel alone and scared, God is there and He cares.

I encourage you to have a made up mind in the Lord and to have the determination that you will get through this because you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).  I don’t care if you have to pray to the Lord 20 times a day in order for you to cast your worries upon Him; do it.  God will give you His peace during this season in exchange for your worries.

And I will tell you this; when you learn to cast your depression, worries and anxieties upon the Lord, God will provide you with the peace and mindset needed to positively and faithfully get through the transition you’re in.

Encourage Yourself in the Lord

It’s interesting the thoughts that come to mind when dealing with unemployment.  Some become lazy, some become suicidal and some even spend their entire day thinking about everything that could go wrong.  Although these responses may seem natural, it’s counterproductive mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

I encourage you to read the word of God; begin to encourage yourself in the Lord.  It’s like the old saying, “what comes in must come out.”  Well, when you put nothing in, expect to worry and to be depressed.  Why?  Because you’re thinking and placing your faith in what you can tangibly see when God instructs us to have faith in what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

Read the word of God and expect to be empowered in the Lord; expect your faith to increase.  For every worry and lie the devil has magnified and told you, instead of listening and believing it, I encourage you read your Bible and believe what the Lord says about you and your situation.

If depression and stress from unemployment consumes your thoughts, find scriptures that speak of God being a provider and a way maker.  Decide right now that unemployment depression and stress is not an option and that you’ll begin strengthening and encouraging yourself in the Lord.

Pray and/or Seek Prayer

As a Christian, the last thing you need while coping with unemployment is to stay in a state of depression.  Yes, as humans it’s natural to feel depressed; however, it’s exhorted that you don’t allow yourself to dwell there.

If need be, ask someone you trust to pray for and/or with you.  The scripture declares: “don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6; NLT).

The last thing you need to feel is a sense of loneliness; as though you have no one to turn to.  You have Christ who promises to never leave you nor forsake you and you have those whom Christ places in your life to intercede and pray on your behalf.

Pray and ask God for His blessing and unmerited favor as you apply for jobs; petition the Lord and tell Him in prayer what your needs are.  Don’t under estimate the power of prayer because the Bible tells us that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective (James 5:16; NIV).

Unemployment Depression: Finial Words

Dealing with unemployment is never easy; dealing with unemployment and depression doesn’t make the situation any better.  I encourage you to have a determined mind to fight the emotional stress of unemployment and depression because you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:37).  It may not feel like it now, but at the end, you will come out of this standing victorious in the Lord.  Have faith in the Lord to grant you favor with employers and to provide you with a job.  Be encouraged Christian because you’re not alone (Hebrews 13:5); your help cometh from the Lord (Psalm 121:2).

Prayer for Coping with Unemployment and Depression

Heavenly Father, thank you for your provision.  Thank you for being a provider and a way maker.  I cast all my financial worries and concerns upon you Lord and in exchange I ask for and receive your peace.   Father I thank you in advance for the job you have in store for me.

As I actively and diligently seek employment, I ask for your unmerited favor and blessing with employers right now in the name of Jesus; you know my needs and I make a decision right now to trust you with them.  I thank you Lord that it’s already done.  I thank you Lord for taking care and supplying my every need according to your riches in glory.  I thank you Lord.  In Jesus name I pray; Amen.

Be blessed and encouraged in Jesus name.

Final Words

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