To-do for the month of August

 Today is the last day of the month. A day to review all you have achieved for the month of June, what you are yet to achieve and what you are planning on achieving in August and how you plan on achieving them. Here are things you must add to your to-do list for the month of August:

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Overcoming Despair


Lately, I have been complaining about most things around me. Where I work, where I live, my relationship, not being able to buy what I like. I didn't care about the things around me. Not appreciating the beauty of life. I was in a state of despair.

I was told that one of my distant colleague was sick and I was to accompany a group of people to visit her. On getting there, the place was a slum. I couldn't even imagine myself staying there. The houses can't be compared to where I stay. But to my surprise,  I saw something that baffled me. Even though those people were facing worse things than me, in fact it is incomparable, they were still showing love to each other. I saw happiness in them; they were smiling, having fun with each other, being thankful for their existence.

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Question of the day


Do you keep procrastinating? Why not start now.
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Lack of hunger

Daily devotional

Bible Verse: 1 Peter 2 vs 2
"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby."
Another crack in the wall that hinders Gods' blessing in our life is our lack of hunger. For us to experience his supernatural blessing in our-lives we have to be hungry for his blessing. The bible in the above verse talks about us desiring his word which in other words mean we must be hungry for him.

What kills our hunger? 

 When other things occupy your mind. When you are filled with other things you can't hunger for God. For example, people spend most of their time chasing their career, relationship, dreams e.t.c. that they forget about God. Most of them don't know that their effort cannot do it alone. The forget that they have a God who is mighty and able to save.

Hunger is something you have to do for yourself. Most people say they can't pray for an hour . It is because they haven't experienced a problem that is above them and that the only solution for them is for them to reach-out to their maker in prayer. The intolerance of your present creates your future. You will not grow until there is hunger. The reason most people don't go to church is due to their  lack hunger.

Over-exposure. Our over-exposure can also kill our hunger. Some of us think we know already that we take Gods' word for granted. We feel we already know too much. We must rekindle our interest by praying more and spending more time in studying the word of God which is the bible.

Ways to be hungry

Conscious decision. We need to consciously decide to work in Gods' principles. It's a conscious decision that we have to put in our mind and continuously remind ourselves of.

People. We must surround ourselves with people who continuously increases our faith in God. People who can encourage us when we are weak. The people we spend much of our time with plays a big role in our lives. They are a major factor in our life. We should surround ourselves with people that can positively influence our lives.

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5 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationships

Effective guide

When I was younger I often felt inadequate and “not good enough” to be friends, lovers, or business partners with certain people.  Sometimes I simply couldn’t understand what others saw in me.  I was very insecure.

I ended many promising relationships because of my insecurity.  In my mind, it felt easier for me to end it before they did.  Walking away rather than risking the heartbreak of rejection was how I justified my behavior to myself.  But after awhile, as I grew emotionally, I began to realize that I wanted and needed the comfort and support of long-term relationships.

So what did I do, and what can you do if insecurity is damaging your relationships?

You need to understand that a good relationship is about sharing ideas and enjoyable moments with another, to help each other grow in healthy ways, both together socially and as individuals.  If someone really does treat you poorly or lies and cheats you out of something, feeling insecure is a natural and reasonable response.  However, if you’re actually in a generally good relationship with someone, then it’s time to…

1.  Stop trying to read minds.

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6 Ways to Speak Well to Your Loved Ones


    Every heart sings a song, incomplete,
    until another heart whispers back.
At a time in history when we are communicating more rapidly than ever – via texts, tweets and email volleys, one after the next – it seems there is hardly anyone among us who couldn’t use some tips to facilitate more heartfelt communication for our in-person interactions with the people we care about most.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1.  Tell them how important they are, often.

Here’s a wake-up call for you:  No matter how sure you are of someone’s love, it’s always nice to be reminded of it.

Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious phenomenon in the world, and it should be expressed as such.  When you truly love someone, be loving in words and deeds every single day.  Don’t beat around the bush.  Be straightforward.

If you appreciate someone today, tell them.  If you adore someone today, show them.  Hearts are often confused and broken by thoughtful words left unspoken and loving deeds left undone.  There might not be a tomorrow.  Today is the day to express your love and admiration.

2.  Communicate your feelings openly.

Your parents may have told you that it’s not what you say but how you say it that counts.  This can be true in a professional setting, but when it comes to your closest relationships open, honest transparency is imperative.

Express how you truly feel.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Give the important people in your life the information they need, rather than expecting them to know the unknowable.  Express your fears, tears, doubts and insecurities – let your loved ones experience YOU.  Have the courage to be yourself in front of them.

Relationships flourish when both people are able to share their innermost feelings and thoughts about themselves and each other.  To be fully seen by someone, in raw form, and be adored anyhow, is what love is. 

3.  Speak the truth.

As a wise man once said, “I tell the truth because it’s the easiest thing to remember.”  Living through a facade puts an incredible burden on your emotional well-being.  Speaking the truth, even and most often when it hurts, frees mental space and increases your ability to connect with the people you care about.  Keep in mind that a large part of such openness requires taking personal responsibility for your wrong doings.  If you know, for instance, that your actions or words have hurt a loved one, you must immediately admit your faults and face reality.

If you live for the truth now, you will find comfort and peace in the end.  If you live for comfort and peace now by avoiding the truth, you will get neither comfort nor peace nor truth, only wishful thinking to begin, and lasting regret in the end.

4.  Ask thoughtful questions and listen intently.

Too often we underestimate the power of a thoughtful question and a listening ear that’s fully present and focused.  Although it’s a simple act, it may very well be the most powerful act of caring – one which has the potential to turn a life around.

And once you inquire, be sure you listen to understand, not to reply and hear yourself talk.  Oftentimes a reply isn’t even necessary.  Listening is a sincere attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another that both attracts and heals, perhaps without ever saying a word.  (Read The Mastery of Love.)

5.  Let your actions speak for themselves.

Actions often speak much louder than words.  When you love someone you have to act accordingly.  They will be able to tell how you feel about them simply by the way you treat them over the long-term.

You can say sorry a thousand times, or say “I love you” as much as you want, but if you’re not going to prove that the things you say are true, they aren’t.  If you can’t show it, your words are not sincere.

And remember, it’s not so much about how much you do for your loved ones as it is about the love you put into what you do for them.  Learn what matters most to them and make a habit of it.

6.  Touch.

Touch has a lasting memory. Sometimes reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a beautiful journey.  Sometimes a long hug speaks louder than all the words in the world.  Sometimes your lips can’t accurately articulate what you mean without using them to kiss.  And sometimes, quite frankly, a moment of touching is the difference between hopeless despair and the ability to carry on.

Physical touch can make or break a relationship and can communicate respect or ridicule.  Some of us require touch more than others, but some physical interaction – be it a hug, a handshake, a pat on the back, or otherwise – is important in your closest relationships.  (Read The 5 Love Languages.)

Final Thoughts

Lots of irritation and heartache can be avoided just by being more aware of what your loved ones value in communication.  I encourage you to set aside an hour to discuss this article with someone you love.  It may be eye-opening to gain more clarity about the way they like to be loved.

Your turn…

What do you say or do when you want to show someone you love them?  How do you like others to show you that they love you?  Please let us know by replying below.
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5 Unique Ways to Forgive and Let Go

5 Unique Ways to Forgive and Let Go

There is great value in every act of forgiveness.  You can forgive yourself, you can forgive others, and you can forgive even when you don’t know exactly who to forgive, because forgiveness is not about who is to blame or who is at fault.  It is about letting go, completely and permanently within yourself.

Forgiveness is recognizing the reality that what has happened has already happened, and that there’s no point in allowing it to dominate the rest of your life.  Forgiveness refreshingly cleans the slate and enables you to step forward.  Here are five unique ways to make this step possible:

1.  Stop trying for a while.

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9 Warning Signs You’re in Bad Company

bad company, warning signs

 It is better to be alone than in bad company.

A big part of who you become in life has to do with who you choose to surround yourself with.  Sometimes luck controls who walks into your life, but you decide who you let stay, who you pursue, and who you let walk back out.

Ultimately, you should surround yourself with people who make you a better person and let go of those who don’t.  Here are some warning signs you’re in the presence of the latter:

1.  They only make time for you when it’s convenient for them.

It’s obvious, but any relationship without regular interaction and communication is going to have problems, especially when there’s a lack of commitment.

Don’t waste your time with someone who only wants you around when it’s convenient for them.  You shouldn’t have to force someone to make a space in their life for you, because if they truly care about you they will gladly create space for you.

Being in a relationship with someone who overlooks your worth isn’t loyalty, it’s stupidity.  Never beg someone for attention.  Know your self-worth, and move on if you must.

2.  They hold your past against you.

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20 Things Life Is Too Short To Tolerate


You don’t have to settle, it’s simply a choice you make every day.  If you feel like you’re running in place there’s a good chance you’re tolerating things you shouldn’t be.  It’s time to reclaim your life.

Starting now, stop tolerating…

People who bring you down. – Relationships should help you, not hurt you.  Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and like-minded.

A work environment or career field you hate. – Don’t settle on the first or second career field you dabble in.  Keep searching.  Eventually you will find work you love to do.  If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop.  You’re on to something big.  Because hard work ain’t hard when you concentrate on your passions.

Your own negativity. – Be aware of your mental self-talk.  We all talk silently to ourselves in our heads, but we aren’t always conscious of what we’re saying or how it’s affecting us.  Start listening to your thoughts.  If you hear negative thoughts, stop and replace them with positive thoughts.

Unnecessary miscommunication. – Say what you mean.  Mean what you say.  Speak clearly.  Ask questions.  Clarify things until you understand them.

A disorganized living and working space. – Clear the clutter.  Get rid of stuff you don’t use.  Read David Allen’s book Getting Things Done for some practical organizational guidance.

Your own tardiness. – Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like a mad man.  That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness and other unnecessary headaches.

Pressure to fit in with the crowd. – Oftentimes, the only reason others want you to fit in is that once you do they can ignore you and go about their business.  Don’t conform.  Be you, because that’s the only person you can be.

An unhealthy body. – Your health is your life.  Don’t let it go.  Eat right, exercise and get an annual physical check-up.  The 4-Hour Body is an insightful and entertaining read on this topic.

Fear of change. – Life is change.  Every day is different.  Every day is a new beginning and a new ending.  Embrace it and make the best of it.

All work and no play. – Enjoy yourself and have a little fun while you can.  If you’re smiling, you’re doing something right.

People or beauty ads that make you feel inadequate. – Good looks attracts the eyes.  Personality attracts the heart.  Be proud to be you.  You are already beautiful.

Not getting enough sleep. – A tired mind is rarely productive.

Doing the same exact thing over and over again. – You are the sum of your life experiences.  The more you experience, the more interesting your life story gets.

Personal greed. – Don’t let greed and deceit get the best of you.  Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.

A mounting pile of debt. – Always live well below your means.  Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.  Always sleep on big purchases.  Create a budget and savings plan and stick to them.  Read I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Dishonesty. – Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless.  Period.  Don’t be dishonest and don’t put up with people who are.

Infidelity. – Intimate relationships are a sacred bond – a circle of trust.  If both parties aren’t 100% onboard the relationship isn’t worth fighting for.

An unsafe home. – If you don’t feel safe at home you’ll never feel safe anywhere.  Build a loving household in a safe area that you are proud to call ‘home.’

Being unprepared. – Life is unpredictable.  And there’s a big difference between being scared and being prepared.  Always be prepared.

Inaction. – Either you’re going to take action and seize new opportunities or someone else will.  You can’t change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it.

And remember, you only live once, but if you live it right once is enough.

Source: Marc and Angel Hack Life
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10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget


Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress.  So here’s a quick reminder:

#1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action.

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10 Effective Ice Breaking Questions


Whether you go to a Chamber of Commerce event, a PTA meeting, the racquetball court, the local health club, or practically anywhere else, opportunities to network present themselves constantly. But there are fears which present themselves as well. For example, we ask ourselves if we are in a situation where talking business might be considered tacky. Will I be considered a 'hard sell' type of salesperson for talking about my business at a social gathering?

Here's how to overcome that fear- ask questions! NOT sales questions - questions that someone you are meeting for the first time would be happy to answer. Questions about themselves and their business. Questions that allow you to begin a follow-up program which will be appreciated by your new contact, and will hopefully turn that person into a client with lots of referrals.

You'll notice that the following ten questions are friendly and will tell you something about the way the person thinks. You don't need to ask all ten every time, but you should know them and be able to ask the ones you deem are appropriate for the particular conversation. They are as follows:

1. How did you get your start in your business? Let them tell you their story.

2. What do you enjoy most about your profession? This question will elicit a positive response.

3. What separates your company from the competition? You have offered this person a chance to tell all.

4. What advice would you give someone just starting in this field? Here's a chance to be a mentor.

5. What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you couldn't fail?

6. What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years?

7. What do you see as the coming trends in this field?

8. What was the strangest or funniest incident you've experienced in your business?

9. What ways have you found to be the most effective when promoting your business?

10. How would you like people to describe how you do business?

Of course we can't ask all these questions on a first meeting like we're an investigative reporter. They are designed to put a person at ease with you, and be the first step towards feeling like they know, like and trust you.

My favorite question, though, is 'What can I do to know if somebody I'm talking to would be a possible client for you?"

I know everyone would love helping you; help them.
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Facing The Enemies Within


We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear.  Maybe some of your fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of it.

Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within.

The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is. "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift along." Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of the mountain.

The second enemy we face is indecision
. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.

The third enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there's room for healthy skepticism. You can't believe everything. But you also can't let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.  Worse of all, they doubt themselves.  I'm telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart.  Doubt is an enemy.  Go after it. Get rid of it.

The fourth enemy within is worry
. We've all got to worry some. Just don't let it conquer you.  Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you've got to worry. But you can't let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small corner. Here's what you've got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you, you've got to get it.  Whatever is pushing on you, you've got to push back.

The fifth interior enemy is over-caution
. It is the timid approach to life. Timidity is not a virtue; it's an illness. If you let it go, it'll conquer you. Timid people don't get promoted. They don't advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace. You've got to avoid over-caution.

Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what's holding you back, what's keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.
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How To Inspire Others To Peak Performance

It's probably true that most people who work with us will never care as deeply as we do about building our business and serving our clients. If they did, they'd probably be working for themselves.

Yet there's a great deal we can do to raise the level of their commitment and inspire them to peak performance. The operative word in the preceding sentence is inspire. You can demand that people who work for you be punctual, or that they perform at a certain level of output, or even that they do things reasonably well. Yet real commitment can only be inspired. And, inspiring people is what great leaders like John F. Kennedy and Lee Iaccoca did best.

How do great leaders such as these inspire others to commit themselves to their goals? It's not just that they have charismatic personalities, or that they give a lot of high-powered motivational talks. What they do is communicate their vision so forcefully that other people adopt it as their own vision.

For example, in the early sixties, President Kennedy set his sights on putting a man on the moon, and told the American people "We can do it!" He said it with such conviction that masses of people believed it, and committed themselves to making it happen. And, sure enough, in less than a decade, the first human being had walked on the moon.

Lee Iaccoca stepped into the ailing Chrysler Corporation and said "We're going to turn this company around!" With clear goals, a solid plan of action, and a strong conviction, he was able to inspire enough commitment from the U.S. Congress that he secured the largest loan ever made to a private company. Then he inspired enough commitment in thousands of Chrysler workers to enable the company to pay back the loan ahead of schedule.

That's the formula for any leader to inspire commitment -- clear goals, a solid plan of action, and a strong conviction. If you can communicate that to the people who work with you, you will have the kind of loyalty that makes them go the second mile. And the third and fourth miles if that's what it takes to get the job done.

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20 Things to Start Doing in Your Relationships


Family isn’t always blood.  They’re the people in your life who appreciate having you in theirs – the ones who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways, and who not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be.  These people – your real family – are the ones who truly matter.

Here are twenty tips to help you find and foster these special relationships.

1.   Free yourself from negative people. – Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and like-minded.  Relationships should help you, not hurt you.  Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be.  Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you – people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it.  Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.  When you free yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be YOU – and being YOU is the only way to truly live.  Read Stumbling on Happiness. 

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Cracks in the wall

When there is a crack on a wall; insects, rodents enter into the wall. These creates more damage to the wall and brings the wall closer to its end.

Also in human life, when we leave cracks in our life, we give room for the devil to enter our life. Here are two cracks that can give room for the devil in our life.

No expectation.

For you to progress in life, you need to have expectations. Without it, life ceases meaning. As a christian, without expectation your prayer will be a mouth prayer not a mind prayer. Without expectation there is no future. The bible in Ephesians 3:20 says :

    "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

   You see the words "ask or think" in the verse which means that God expects us to have our expectations for him to grant us our request.


Any Christianity that doesn't touch your money isn't complete. We all need to learn how to give and not have the mind that the person we gave to will return back but that God will reward you. Although this is quite difficult, but as it is stated earlier, that should be our expectation. Our tithes are also important ways in which God uses to bless us.Our tithe is 10% of any increase or our income. The bible in Malachi 3:10 says:

     "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

This bible verse talks about us sealing the cracks in our life and see the way God is going to bless us.


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12 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Yourself

effectiveness, 12 things you should be able to say about yourself, confidence in yourself

    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West

You know you’re on the right track when you can repeat each of the following headlines to yourself, honestly.  (And if you can’t, this list gives you something positive to work on.)

1.  I am following my heart and intuition.

Don’t be pushed by your problems.  Be led by your dreams.  Live the life you want to live.  Be the person you want to remember years from now.  Make decisions and act on them.  Make mistakes, fall and try again.  Even if you fall a thousand times, at least you won’t have to wonder what could have been.  At least you will know in your heart that you gave your dreams your best shot.

Each of us has a fire in our hearts burning for something.  It’s our responsibility in life to find it and keep it lit.  This is your life, and it’s a short one.  Don’t let others extinguish your flame.  Try what you want to try.  Go where you want to go.  Follow your own intuition.  Dream with your eyes open until you know exactly what it looks like.  Then do at least one thing every day to make it a reality.

And as you strive to achieve your goals, you can count on there being some fairly substantial disappointments along the way.  Don’t get discouraged, the road to your dreams may not be an easy one.  Think of these disappointments as challenges – tests of persistence and courage.  At the end of the road, more often than not, we regret what we didn’t do far more than what we did.  Read Quitter.

2.  I am proud of myself.

You are your own best friend and your own biggest critic.  Regardless of the opinions of others, at the end of the day the only reflection staring back at you in the mirror is your own.  Accept everything about yourself – EVERYTHING!  You are you and that is the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets.

People who are proud of themselves tend to have passions in life, feel content and set good examples for others.  It requires envisioning the person you would like to become and making your best efforts to grow.

Being proud isn’t bragging about how great you are; it’s more like quietly knowing that you’re worth a lot.  It’s not about thinking you’re perfect – because nobody is – but knowing that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted.  All you have to do is be yourself and live the story that no one else can live – the story of your own unique life.  Be proud, be confident, you never know who has been looking at you wishing they were you.

3.  I am making a difference.

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.

Is it true that we all live to serve?  That by helping others we fulfill our own destiny?  The answer is a simple ‘yes.’  When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life.  Do something that’s greater than you – something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.

You are only one, but you are one.  You cannot do everything, but you can do something.  Smile and enjoy the fact that you made a difference – one you’ll likely remember forever.

4.  I am happy and grateful.

Happiness is within you, in your way of thinking.  How you view yourself and your world are mindful choices and habits.  The lens you choose to view everything through determines how you feel about yourself and everything that happens around you.

Being grateful will always make you happy.  If you’re finding it hard to be grateful for anything, sit down close your eyes and take a long slow breath and be grateful for oxygen.  Every breath you take is in sync with someone’s last.

5.  I am growing in to the best version of me.

Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else.”  Live by this statement.  There is no such thing as living in someone else’s shoes.  The only shoes you can occupy are your own.  If you aren’t being yourself, you aren’t truly living – you’re merely existing.

Remember, trying to be anyone else is a waste of the person you are.  Embrace that individual inside you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else.  Be the person you know yourself to be – the best version of you – on your terms.  Improve continuously, take care of your body and health, and surround yourself with positivity.  Become the best version of you.

6.  I am making my time count.

Time is the most valuable constituent of life.  Make the time for what does matter today.  Really being in the moment, finding passion in your life, seeing the world and traveling, or just seeing the world that’s around you right now, being with great people, doing amazing things, eating amazing food and savoring life’s little pleasures.

Remember, your time is priceless, but it’s free. You can’t own it, but you can use it.  You can spend it, but you can’t keep it.  Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.  You really do only have a short period to live.  So let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words.  Make your time count!

7.  I am honest with myself.

Be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed.  Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become.  Be honest with every aspect of your life, always.  Because you are the one person you can forever count on.

Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are.  Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there.  Read The Four Agreements.

8.  I am good to those I care about.

In human relationships distance is not measured in miles, but in affection.  Two people can be right next to each other, yet miles apart.  So don’t ignore someone you care about, because lack of concern hurts more than angry words.  Stay in touch with those who matter to you.  Not because it’s convenient, but because they’re worth the extra effort.

When was the last time you told your family and close personal friends that you loved them?  Just spending a little time with someone shows that you care, shows that they are important enough that you’ve chosen — out of all the things to do on your busy schedule — to find the time for them.  Talk to them.  Listen to them.  Understand them.

Many times it’s our actions, not just our words that really speak what our heart feels for another.

9.  I know what unconditional love feels like.

Whether your love is towards a child, a lover, or another family member, know the feeling of giving love and not expecting anything in return – this is what lies at the heart of unconditional love.  Life through unconditional love is a wondrous adventure that excites the very core of our being and lights our path with delight.  This love is a dynamic and powerful energy that lifts us through the most difficult times.

Love is beautiful and unpredictable.  It begins with ourselves, for without self-love, we cannot know what true love can be.  In loving ourselves, we allow the feeling to generate within us and then we can share it to everyone and everything around us.  When you love unconditionally, it isn’t because the person you love is perfect, it’s because you learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

10.  I have forgiven those who once hurt me.

We’ve all been hurt by another person at some point or another – we were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt.  And while this pain is normal, sometimes that pain lingers for too long.  We relive the pain over and over, letting them live rent-free in our head and we have a hard time letting go.

Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, it causes us to miss out on the beauty of life as it happens.  To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.

11.  I take full accountability for my life.

Own your choices and mistakes, and be willing to take the necessary steps to improve upon them.  Either you take accountability for your life or someone else will.  And when they do, you’ll become a slave to their ideas and dreams instead of a pioneer of your own.

You are the only one who can directly control the outcome of your life.  And no, it won’t always be easy.  Every person has a stack of obstacles in front of them.  But you must take accountability for your situation and overcome these obstacles.  Choosing not to is choosing a lifetime of mere existence.  Read The Road Less Traveled.

12.  I have no regrets.

This one is simply a culmination of the previous eleven…

Follow your heart.  Be true to yourself.  Do what makes you happy.  Be with who makes you smile.  Laugh as much as you breathe.  Love as long as you live.  Say what you need to say.  Offer a helping hand when you’re able.  Appreciate all the things you do have.  Smile.  Celebrate your small victories.  Learn from your mistakes.  Realize that everything is a lesson in disguise.  Forgive and let go of the things you can’t control.

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Your GPS - Helping You Navigate To Someday

Goal setting is a crucial part of Getting to Someday. While you may have your own way of setting goals, we have created a system to help you, called the G.P.S. The G.P.S. will assist you in setting achievable goals and reaching them. It focuses on Goals, Priorities, and Strategies. Imagine you are heading off on a trip somewhere. You know where you want to go, but have no idea how to get there. You decide to just start out and drive randomly down different roads hoping you’ll eventually come across your destination. How effective do you think that would be? Instead, using your G.P.S., you can easily map out the path you need to take to get to where you’re going, lay out the marker points that you will find to ensure you stay on course, and know how to recognize the destination when you get there. Certainly you will have an easier time navigating and arriving at your final destination if you have a plan in place. So it is true with your life, you need to have goals, and a map to get there, to ensure ultimate success.


When you think about Getting to Someday, you probably have pictures in mind of what your someday will be. You may even want to capture those by creating a vision board. To use the G.P.S. system, begin by writing down all your goals. When you write them down, make sure they are SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Refine them further by making them goals that you could reach in a year. Remember, the more precise your desired destination, the more precisely your G.P.S. will work. Think of it as the difference of getting to a state, versus getting to a specific city in a state, versus getting to a specific address, in a city, in a state. Obviously if you are wanting to get to an address, you wouldn't just go to the state and hope you find it when you get there. Make your goals as specific as possible.


Next, have a look at the list of goals you have created. Take some time to consider each one, and then re-arrange them according to their priority in your life. By prioritizing your goals, you will know immediately where to start focusing your energy. Once you have done this, you can move on to the final step of the G.P.S. process.


The final key to the G.P.S. system is developing strategies to reach each of your goals. Again, these strategies should reflect the way you prioritized your goals. Take each goal and break it down into small steps – small things that you can do on a frequent basis to work toward your goal. Do this for each goal. Next go back week by week and write down the small steps you can do to navigate yourself toward your goal. Not only will this help give you a clear path to get to someday, it will also allow you to recognize the small goals you achieve on the way to the ultimate goal. These small goals should be celebrated, and serve as a confirmation that you are truly headed in the correct direction to reach your destination.

Source: Getting to someday

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Positive Thinking – Benefits of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that anticipates happiness, success and favorable outcomes in every situation or action you do.

The thoughts get registered in your subconscious mind and you start taking action to create favorable change. A positive outlook can help you to cope better with stressful situations and can change your life for the better.

Ways to develop positive thinking

You cannot change your thoughts and attitude over night. Positive thinking takes practice. Persistence would make your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts. Benefits of positive thinking!

Decreases stress.

1.Helps you cope better in stressful situations.

2. Strengthens your Immune System and reduces the risk of certain diseases.3.Improves your self-esteem and confidence. 4.Brings inner peace, happiness and a sense of well-being. 5. Motivates you to accomplish your goals.

6.Helps you have greater inner strength and energy. 7. Helps you live longer.

Listen to your inner voice

Listening to your inner voice or instincts is one of the most common ways to develop positive thinking. Whenever any negative thoughts enter your mind, try to replace it with a constructive one. For example, “I won’t be able to do it” will be put forward as “I will do it”. Practice this regularly and you will soon be able to master your mind.

Learn to meditate

Meditation calms your mind and relaxes your body Meditation gives you inner strength, peace of mind, relaxation and a sense of bliss, which will help you to think positively.

Always see the brighter side of life

Try to believe that everything happens for a reason and embrace the concept that something good will come out of every situation that momentarily seems bad. Always look on the bright side of life and it will work wonders for you.

Learn to communicate effectively

Not saying the things you feel can give a sense of frustration, anxiety and anger, thus giving way to negative thoughts. Hence, communication is an important aspect of positive thinking.

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself and your capabilities to become more confident. Make a positive commitment to your self and to the people around you. Praise yourself and be enthusiastic.

Tips to positive thinking

Be optimistic and expect favorable outcomes in every situation.
Cultivate the habit of reading inspiring books.
Find reasons to smile more often. It’s a great stress buster.
Try to use positive words, e.g. “I can”, “it will be done”, “it is possible” while thinking and talking.
Engage yourself in enjoyable recreational activities.
Interact with people who have a positive outlook in life.

Source: christians inspirational
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10 Signs it’s Time to Let Go


 Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier.

Here are ten signs it’s time to let go:


Someone expects you to be someone you’re not. – Don’t change who you are for anyone else.  It’s wiser to lose someone over being who you are, than to keep them by being someone you’re not.  Because it’s easier to mend a broken heart, than it is to piece together a shattered identity.  It’s easier to fill an empty space in your life where someone else used to be, than it is to fill the empty space inside yourself where YOU used to be.

A person’s actions don’t match their words. – Everybody deserves somebody who helps them look forward to tomorrow.  If someone has the opposite effect on you, because they are consistently inconsistent and their actions don’t match up with their words, it’s time to let them go.  It’s always better to be alone than to be in bad company.  True friendship is a promise made in the heart – silent, unwritten, unbreakable by distance, and unchangeable by time.  Don’t listen to what people say; watch what they do.  Your true friends will slowly reveal themselves over time.

You catch yourself forcing someone to love you. – Let us keep in mind that we can’t force anyone to love us.  We shouldn’t beg someone to stay when they want to leave.  That’s what love is all about – freedom.  However, the end of love is not the end of life.  It should be the beginning of an understanding that love sometimes leaves for a reason, but never leaves without a lesson.  If someone truly loves you, they will never give you a reason to doubt it.  Anyone can come into your life and say how much they love you, but it takes someone really special to stay in your life and prove how much they love you.  Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right person, but the right person is always worth the wait.  Read The Road Less Traveled.

An intimate relationship is based strictly on physical attraction. – Being beautiful is more than how many people you can get to look at you, or how others perceive you at a single glance.  It’s about what you live for.  It’s about what defines you.  It’s about the depth of your heart, and what makes you unique.  It’s about being who you are and living out your life honestly.  It’s about those little quirks that make you, you.  People who are only attracted to you because of your pretty face or nice body won’t stay by your side forever.  But the people who can see how beautiful your heart is will never leave you.

Someone continuously breaks your trust. – Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you, but trusting them not to.  When you completely trust a person, without any doubt, you’ll automatically get one of two results - a FRIEND for life or a LESSON for life.  Either way there’s a positive outcome.  Either you confirm the fact that this person cares about you, or you get the opportunity to weed them out of your life and make room for those who do.  In the end you’ll discover who’s fake, who’s true, and who would risk it all for you.  And trust me, some people will totally surprise you.

Someone continuously overlooks your worth. – Know your worth!  When you give yourself to someone who doesn’t respect you, you surrender pieces of your soul that you’ll never get back.  There comes a point when you have to let go and stop chasing some people.  If someone wants you in their life, they’ll find a way to put you there.  Sometimes you just need to let go and accept the fact that they don’t care for you the way you care for them.  Let them leave your life quietly.  Letting go is oftentimes easier than holding on.  We think it’s too hard to let go, until we actually do.  Then we ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

You are never given a chance to speak your mind. – Sometimes an argument saves a relationship, whereas silence breaks it.  Speak up for your heart so that you won’t have regrets.  Life is not about making others happy.  Life is about being honest and sharing your happiness with others.

You are frequently forced to sacrifice your happiness. – If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative before you know it.  Know when to close the account.  It’s always better to be alone with dignity than in a relationship that constantly requires you to sacrifice your happiness and self-respect.  Read Stumbling on Happiness.

You truly dislike your current situation, routine, job, etc. – It’s better to be a failure at something you love than to succeed at doing something you hate.  Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.  The best thing you can do in life is follow your heart.  Take risks.  Don’t just make the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what might happen.  If you do, nothing will ever happen.  Chances must be taken, mistakes must be made, and lessons must be learned.  It might be an uphill climb, but when you reach that mountaintop it will be worth every ounce of blood, sweat and tears you put into it.

You catch yourself obsessing over, and living in, the past. – Eventually you will overcome the heartache, and forget the reasons you cried, and who caused the pain.  Eventually you will realize that the secret to happiness and freedom is not about control or revenge, but in letting things unfold naturally, and learning from your experiences over the course of time.  After all, what matters most is not the first, but the final chapter of your life, which unveils the details of how well you wrote your story.  So let go of the past, set yourself free, and open your mind to the possibility of new relationships and priceless experiences.  Read The Power of Now.

And the one thing you should never let go of is hope.  Remember what you deserve and keep pushing forward.  Someday all the pieces will come together.  Unimaginably good things will transpire in your life, even if everything doesn’t turn out exactly the way you had anticipated.  And you will look back at the times that have passed, smile, and ask yourself, “How did I get through all of that?”

Final Words

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 Source: Marc and Angel
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3 Tips For Dealing With Trials in Life


The story of David versus Goliath can teach us a lot about the trials in our own lives. David was going up against a behemoth of a man in Goliath and no doubt at times probably wondered if he had made the right decision.

In the same way, we all have “Goliaths” in our lives from time to time and its easy for us to get scared, to think to ourselves that there is no way we can handle this, and to run away.

The “Goliath” in your life could be a circumstance. Maybe you recently lost your job and there seems no way in this economy that you will ever be able to find a job again. Not only that, the bills are piling up and you wonder if you can ever pay them on time.

Maybe its a relationship in your life that is taking a lot out of you. Maybe its an addiction that has controlled most of your life, hurting yourself, others, and God. And you wish you could just break free from it once and for all.

So let me ask you, what is the goliath in your life?

Whatever it is know this…its something that stands in the way between where you are and where God wants you to be.

So what are some ways that you can handle the trials that seem so large and scary in your life?

Here are 3 tips:  

 Realize that you are not alone – understand that whatever you are going through is something that someone, somewhere is either going through now or has gone through before. That is one of the reasons fellowship is so critical in our walk with God. There are numerous support groups out there for Christians and you simply have to be willing and open to be vulnerable with others….these makes you strong NOT weak!

Learn to trust God on life’s road - sometimes God allows these Goliaths to come into our lives to test us, to help us grow and to rely on God for everything. Think about your past when you were going through a difficult time that seemed insurmountable, how did it turn out? Most times we find that we grew from those trials more than any other time in our life. Not only that, understand that the problems are never as big as they seem, even if they seem big to us they are small in compared to our God.  

Persevere! – In order to go through and face our Goliath’s in life we must persevere. How many times have you been through something where you persevered instead of giving up? Maybe it was for a week, for a month, for a year. But what happened in the end? You preserved just a little longer and then you were blessed. Learn to persevere through the toughest times.

I pray that this has helped you and I leave you now with a scripture that came to me while reading the story of David and Goliath.

“David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”

-1 Samuel 17:45

Source: Christian Inspirational

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15 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist

As Jack London once said, “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.”  Far too often we travel through life on autopilot, going through the motions, accepting what is, and having every day pass like the one before it.  Everything seems relatively normal and comfortable, except that constant twitch in the back of your mind that’s saying, “It’s time to make some changes.”
Here are 15 simple suggestions for those who want to break free from the mold and truly live more of their life – to experience it and enjoy it to the fullest, instead of settling for a mere existence.


Appreciate the great people and things in your life. 

Sometimes we don’t notice the things others do for us until they stop doing them.  Don’t be like that.  Be grateful for what you have, who loves you, and who cares for you.  You’ll never know how much they mean to you until the day they’re no longer beside you.  Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it to live.

Ignore other people’s negativity. 

If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative before you know it.  Ignore nonconstructive, hurtful commentary.  No one has the right to judge you.  They may have heard your stories, but they didn’t feel what you were going through.  You do not have control over what others say; but you do have control over whether or not you allow them to say these things to you.  You alone can deny their poisonous words from invading your heart and mind.

Forgive those who have hurt you. 

I forgive people, but that doesn’t mean I trust them.  I just don’t have time to hate people who hurt me, because I’m too busy loving people who love me.  The first to apologize is the bravest.  The first to forgive is the strongest.  The first to move forward is the happiest.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Be happy.  Be free.

Be who you really are.  

If you’re lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody else, don’t change.  Uniqueness is priceless.  In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your awesome self.  And when they laugh at you for being different, laugh back at them for being the same.  It takes a lot of courage to stand alone, but it’s worth it.  Being YOU is worth it!

Choose to listen to your inner voice.

Life is a courageous journey or nothing at all.  We cannot become who we want to be by continuing to do exactly what we’ve been doing.  Choose to listen to your inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else.  Do what you know in your heart is right for YOU.  It’s your road, and yours alone.  Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.  And be sure to appreciate every day of your life.  Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, and the worst days give you the best lessons.

Embrace change and enjoy your life as it unfolds. 

The hardest part about growing is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something you’re not.  Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting, and have faith that things will work out.  Laugh at the confusion, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life as it unfolds.  You might not end up exactly where you intended to go, but eventually you will arrive precisely where you need to be.

Choose your relationships wisely. 

The best relationships are not just about the good times you share, they’re also about the obstacles you go through together, and the fact that you still say “I love you” in the end.  And loving someone isn’t just about saying it every day, it’s showing it every day in every way.  Relationships must be chosen wisely.  Don’t rush love.  Wait until you truly find it.  Don’t let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know you don’t belong with.  Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.  A great relationship is worth waiting for.

Recognize those who love you. 

The most memorable people in your life will be the ones who loved you when you weren’t very loveable.  Pay attention to who these people are in your life, and love them back, even when they aren’t acting loveable.

Love yourself too. 

If you can love children, in spite of the messes they make; your mother, in spite of her tendency to nag; your father, even though he’s too opinionated; your sibling, even though she’s always late; your friend, even though he often forgets to return what he borrows, then you know how to love imperfect people, and can surely love yourself.

Do things your future self will thank you for.  

What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.  What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  Make sure it’s worthwhile.

Be thankful for all the troubles you don’t have. 

There are two ways of being rich: One is to have all you want, the other is to be satisfied with what you have.  Accept and appreciate things now, and you’ll find more happiness in every moment you live.  Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.  And remember, you have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

Leave enough time for fun. 

Sometimes you need to take a few steps back to see things clearly.  Never let your life become so filled with work, your mind become so crammed with worry, or your heart become so jammed with old hurts or anger, that there’s no room left in them for fun, for awe, or for joy.

Enjoy the little things in life

 The best things in life are free.  There is absolute joy and wonder to be had in the simplest of moments.  Watching the sunset over the horizon or spending time with a family member. Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were the big things.

Accept the fact that the past is not today. 

Don’t let the past steal your present and future from you.  You might not be proud of all the things you’ve done in the past, but that’s okay.  The past is not today.  The past cannot be changed, forgotten, or erased.  It can only be accepted.  We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past.  But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.

Let go when you must. 

It’s not always about trying to fix something that’s broken.  Some relationships and situations just can’t be fixed.  If you try to force them back together, things will only get worse.  Sometimes it’s about starting over and creating something better.  Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over again with a smile on your face and passion in your heart.

Source:  Marc and Angel Hack Life
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9 Nelson Mandela Quotes That Inspire

As we celebrate the 95th birthday anniversary of the famous African Icon Nelson Mandela and wish him be speedy recovery, Lets see nine (9) of his famous inspiring quotes.

  1.  "Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. They were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not or could not give myself up to despair.
  2. There is no passion to be found playing small-in settling for a life that is less than one you are capable of living."
  3. "I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance i have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes with responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended."
  4. "The greatest glory of living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail."
  5. "I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it....The brave man is not who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers the fear."
  6. "We must use time wisely and forever realize the time is always ripe to do right."
  7. "A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something special."
  8. "What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead."
  9. "It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another."
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10 Things To Stop Caring About Today

effectiveness, caring about
Every day is a new beginning.  But in life, sometimes you have to stop before you can truly begin.  So starting today…

Stop caring about everyone’s opinion of you.

For the most part, what other people think and say about you doesn’t matter.  When I was younger I let the opinions of my high school and early college peers influence my decisions.  And at times they steered me away from ideas and goals I strongly believed in.  I realize now, many years later, that this was a foolish way to live, especially when I consider that nearly all of these people whose opinions I cared so much about are no longer a part of my life.

Unless you’re trying to make a great first impression (job interview, first date, etc.), don’t let the opinions of others stand in your way.  What they think and say about you isn’t important.  What is important is how you feel about yourself.  Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Stop caring about being politically correct.

I had a discussion with a friend yesterday about censorship and how speaking a certain way simply to please others contributes to the loss of one’s true inner voice.  During the discussion I watched him closely, and I could actually pinpoint the heated moment when he was about to give me a piece of his mind, but stopped himself.  It was so obvious!  So I called him out on it.  “You just censored yourself, didn’t you?”  He laughed and nodded.

Everyone has this little watchdog inside their head.  It’s always there watching you.  It was born and raised by your family, friends, coworkers, bosses and society at large, and its sole purpose is to watch you and make sure you stay in line.  And once you become accustomed to the watchdog’s presence, you begin to think his opinion of what’s acceptable and unacceptable are absolute truths.  But the watchdog’s views are not truths, they’re just opinions – forceful opinions that have the potential to completely brainwash you of your own opinions if you aren’t careful.

Remember, the watchdog is just a watchdog, he just watches.  He can’t actually control you.  He can’t do anything about it if you decide to rise up and go against the grain.

No, you should not start randomly cussing and acting like a fool.  But you must say what you need to say when you need to say it.  If it isn’t politically correct, so what.

Don’t censor yourself.  Speak the truth.  Your truth.

Stop caring about looking a certain way.

There is no right way to dress or right way to wear your hair.  No, I’m not saying to you should dress like a clown simply to rebel either.  Everyone who purposely tries to look different ends up looking the same.

Be you, just the way you are, in the unique way only you know how.  Wear clothes and styles you feel comfortable wearing.  Dress the way YOU dress.

You’re a one of a kind.  Trying to look like someone else is a waste of your own beauty.  In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your awesome self.

Stop caring about what everyone else wants for you.

Unfortunately, just before you take your first step on the righteous journey to pursue your dreams, people around you, even the ones who deeply care for you, will usually give you awful advice.  It’s not because they have evil intentions.  It’s because they don’t understand the big picture – what your dreams, passions and life goals mean to you.  They don’t understand that, to you, the reward is worth the risk.

So they try to protect you by shielding you from the possibility of failure, which, in effect, also shields you from the possibility of making your dreams a reality.

As our friend Steve Jobs says:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else's life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.”

Stop caring about the boundaries others set up.

No matter how much progress you make there will always be the people who insist that whatever you’re trying to do is impossible.  Or they may incessantly suggest that the idea or dream as a whole is utterly ridiculous because nobody really cares.  When you come across these people, don’t try to reason with them.  Instead, forget that they exist.  They will only waste your time and energy.

Try what you want to try.  Go where you want to go.  Follow your own intuition.  Don’t accept false choices.  Don’t let others put a cage around you.  Definitely don’t listen to the watchdog.

Whenever somebody discredits you and tells you that you can’t do something, keep in mind that they are speaking from within the boundaries of their own limitations.  Ignore them and press on.  Read The Success Principles.

Stop caring about what everyone else has.

When you catch yourself comparing yourself to a colleague, neighbor, friend, or someone famous, stop!  Realize that you are different, with different strengths – strengths these other people don’t possess.  Take a moment to reflect on all the awesome abilities you have and to be grateful for all the good things in your life.

The problem with many of us is that we think we’ll be happy when we reach a certain level in life — a level we see others operating at – your boss with her corner office, that friend of a friend who owns a mansion on the beach, etc.  Unfortunately, it takes awhile before you get there, and when you get there you might have a new destination in mind.

Instead, appreciate where you are and what you have right now.  Try comparing yourself to those who have less, those who are dealing with tragedy, and those who are struggling to survive. Hopefully it opens your eyes to all the things you should be grateful for.
Stop caring about the imaginary state of perfect.

Perfect is the enemy of good.

Many of us are perfectionists in our own right.  I know I am at times.  We set high bars for ourselves and put our best foot forward.  We dedicate copious amounts of time and attention to our work to maintain our high personal standards.  Our passion for excellence drives us to run the extra mile, never stopping, never relenting.  And this dedication towards perfection undoubtedly helps us to achieve results…  So long as we don’t get carried away.

But what happens when we do get carried away with perfectionism?

We become disgruntled and discouraged when we fail to meet the (impossibly high) standards we set for ourselves, making us reluctant to take on new challenges or even finish tasks we’ve already started.  Our insistence on dotting every ‘I’ and crossing every ‘T’ breeds inefficiency, causing major delays, stress overload and subpar results.

True perfectionists have a hard time starting things and an even harder time finishing them… always.  I have a friend who has wanted to start a graphic design business for several years.  But she hasn’t yet.  Why?  When you sift through her extensive list of excuses it comes down to one simple problem:  She is a perfectionist.  Which means she doesn’t, and never will, think she’s good enough at graphic design to own and operate her own graphic design business.

Remember, the real world doesn’t reward perfectionists.  It rewards people who get things done.  And the only way to get things done is to be imperfect 99% of the time.  Only by wading through years of practice and imperfection can we begin to achieve momentary glimpses of the perfection.

So make a decision.  Take action.  Learn from the outcome.  And repeat this method over and over and over again in all walks of life.  Also, check out Too Perfect.  It’s an excellent read on conquering perfectionism.

Stop caring about being right all the time.

We all dance to the beat of a different drum.  There are few absolute ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ in the world.  What’s right for you may be wrong for me, and vise versa.  People need to live their lives their way – the way that’s right for them.

When it comes to life choices and opinions, not much is worth fighting about.  Step back from arguments with your spouse, family members or neighbors.  When you feel anger surging up and you want to yell that vulgar remark on tip of your tongue, just close your mouth and walk away.  Let mind calm down.  You don’t have to be right or win an argument.

Instead, open your mind to new ideas and opinions.  Don’t just concentrate on what others are doing, spend time figuring out why they are doing what they’re doing.

Stop caring about mistakes.

Mistakes teach you important lessons.  The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake.  So don’t hesitate – don’t doubt yourself.  In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance.  You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work.  Most of the time you just have to go for it!

And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be.  Either you succeed or you learn something.  Win-Win.  Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same spot forever.

Stop caring about things you can’t control.

Some forces are out of your control.  Accept this fact of life.  Wasting your time, talent and emotional energy on things that are beyond your control is a recipe for frustration, misery and stagnation.

The smartest thing you can do to compensate for the things you can’t control is adjusting your attitude.  Your attitude has a profound effect on your overall potential.  Consuming yourself with the negative aspects of a circumstance gets nothing productive accomplished.  But if you instead look at the circumstance productively and positively, coming from the standpoint of “What’s my next best move?” you put yourself back in the driver’s seat.

Bottom line:  As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  You can’t change what happened, but you can change how you react to it.  If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, and you pay close attention, you’ll often find that you’re right.  The opposite is also true.  The choice is yours to make.

Source: Marc and Angel Hack Life
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7 Effective Ways Happy People Think

happiness, happy people “Happiness is when what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony.”
―Mahatma Gandhi

 Happiness is the key to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. It also affects the quality of life we live. Below are seven (7) effective ways happy people think.

 1.  Feeling privileged and satisfied to be alive.

If you’re reading this, congratulations, you’re ALIVE!  And if you can’t find a reason to smile about that, you’ll have an awfully tough time finding a better reason to do so.

Time spent living is time worth appreciating.  You are able to see the sunrise and the sunset.  You are able to hear birds sing and waves crash.  You can walk outside and feel the breeze through your hair and the sun’s warmth on your skin.  When you make the most out of what you have it turns out being a lot more than you ever imagined.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.  When you wake up, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.  Breathe onto the bathroom mirror, just to see how amazing your breath looks.  The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one.

2.  Believing in the possibility of a better tomorrow.

What you believe determines who you become.  If the thoughts running through your mind are pure, positive and empowering, you will create positive and empowering beliefs about yourself and about life.  In turn, your actions, habits and daily routines will be a reflection of these thoughts and beliefs.

Sometimes you may catch yourself and wonder why you haven’t dropped all your positive ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to achieve.  Yet you must keep them, because deep down, in spite of everything, you believe that people are still good at heart and that life still contains a touch of magic.

You have to believe that hope is stronger than fear.  That imagination is more influential than public opinion.  That dreams are more powerful than today’s reality.  That determination always triumphs over experience.  That laughter is the best cure for grief.  And above all, you have to believe that love is stronger than any negative force in the world.

3.  Knowing deep down that every step is worth it.

Through every life experience, especially those that force you to look fear and adversity in the face, you will gain strength, courage and confidence.  Stop when you must, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I am living through this and I am still OK.  I can take the next thing that comes my way.”

Make a pact with yourself and do the thing you once thought you couldn’t do.  Take another step, even when you feel too worn out or tired.  Find a reason to laugh, even when you’re trying not to cry.  Trust yourself, even when your mind second-guesses your heart.  Dance, even when others refuse to hear the music.  Dream, even if you’re afraid of what they might bring.  Open the door of opportunity in front of you, even when you have no idea what’s behind it.

Every step and experience is what makes you the person you are now.  Without this experience, you are an empty page, a blank journal, an unsung lyric.  What makes you ALIVE is your willingness to live through today’s challenges and then hold your head up high tomorrow with hope and tenacity.

4.  Appreciating the beauty in all the small things.

Subtract the obvious so you can see the meaningful.

Rediscover the sensitivity of your childhood eyes.  The eyes that saw life as it is – a beautiful compilation of tiny lives, each lived one at a time like snapshots in a family photo album.  That saw beauty in flowers and rainbows and wild animals.  That marveled at fireflies and sunsets and starry nights.  That let you dream every instant with your eyes wide open.

See yourself sitting right where you are, breathing, moving your limbs, and appreciating this chance to experience this moment.  If a child of two can see the beauty in it, why can’t you?

5.  Feeling good enough.

Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble and reasonable confidence in your own abilities you cannot be effective or happy.  Know that you are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, and strong enough.  Do not derive your sense of self-worth from what you own, who you know, where you live or what you look like.  Your self-worth is a reflection of who YOU are and how YOU choose to live.

Above all, don’t compare yourself to anyone else.  If you somehow feel ‘better’ than someone you’re comparing yourself to, it gives you an unhealthy sense of superiority.  If, on the other hand, you feel ‘worse’ than someone you’re comparing yourself to, you usually discredit all of the important progress you’ve made.  The bottom line is that the majority of the time this type of social comparison doesn’t stem from a healthy place.  If you feel called to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself.

6.  Consciously detaching and living in the present.

The greatest step towards a life of positivity is objectivity – experiencing something fully and then learning to let go and move onward.  The key is to accept that everything is changing.  Each moment of your life is unlike any other.  To live each one to the fullest, you must learn to be in the moment, fully, and then step out of it.  This is detachment.

Take any emotional feeling – love for a significant other, or grief over a lost family member, or fear and pain from a deadly illness.  If you hold back on your emotions and you don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to the point of being detached from them.  In other words, if you spend all your energy being afraid of feeling your true emotions – the vulnerability that love, sincerity and acceptance entails – you will be forever stuck.

But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to fully embrace them to the point where you’re effectively in over your head, you leave no emotion abandoned or question lingering in your mind.  You know what love is.  You know what grief is.  You know what fear is.  And only when you know these things can you say, “I’m OK.  I have experienced this.  I know what this emotion feels like, and now I need to detach from this emotion and move on with my life.”  (Angel and I cover this in detail in the Adversity and Happiness chapters of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

7.  Embracing change.

Living a positive life hinges on your ability to accept the fact that everything is constantly moving forward, away from everything that previously existed.  Not only do you have to emotionally detach from the past, but you also have to willingly thrust yourself forward into the unknown.  You have to open yourself to trying new things, especially those that you may previously never have thought of doing, or had been too hesitant to attempt.  This is how you open doors of opportunity for positive growth.

So many people live within the confines of unhappy situations and yet refuse to take the initiative to change their circumstances.  They are conditioned to believe that the only choice is the current choice because it’s the life they know.  Their comfort zone blinds them from the truth – that nothing is more damaging to the human spirit than a mind that resists progress and change.

All of your personal growth and much of your joy in life will come from your encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater commitment than to embrace an endlessly changing horizon.
The floor is yours…

What would you add to the list?  What is your number one tip for being happy?  Please leave a comment below and let us know

Source: Marc and Angel Hack Life
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