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Guiding Your Heart

Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:23
Guide your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.
The heart is arguably the most delicate organ in the body. It is the center of human life. Without it functioning properly, life ceases from the body. As important as taking care of the heart like having regular exercise, taking the right diet and resting well so is the information that enters our heart. What we listen to as a way of influencing our decisions, thus our lives.

We need to consciously decide what we choose to listen to, the kind of information that will enter our heart, the kind of words we hear from our friends. For instance, If I apply for a contract with good faith and I have friends who discourages me; saying that I will forfeit the contract do you know how that could change the way my heart will feel about the contract. Even if I refuse to put my mind, they have already sown seeds of doubt in my heart. Also listening to things from friends whose thought are negative can affect us. We need not to listen to all news because they have a way of separating us from our maker. God loves us and has great things installed for us. We need to guide our heart for his sake because he is the reason why we are alive.



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