Confidence in His word

Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:35
Cast not away your confidence which great recompense of reward. 
Confidence can simply be defined as a feeling of trust in someone or something. Confidence is necessary in our everyday activities. As a doctor or surgeon you have to develop confidence in your medical skills, as a musician in your music skills, as a soccer player in your technique, as a man or woman in your relationship with your spouse.

As we develop confidence in carrying out our daily activities, we also need to develop confidence in God. We need to be confident that God is able to answer and meet our needs. Building confidence is not an easy task but as we consciously work on our selves by studying the word of God and trusting him more, our confidence in God increases. As it increases, we start seeing great changes in our lives because God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.

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Ways of Getting Your Heart Desire

Memory Verse: Proverbs 6:6
Go to the ant, O sluggard consider ways, and be wise.
Have you ever considered how ants live through all seasons and still thrive. How they plan during the sunny times and rest during the rain. Most times we live our life without any clear plan of what we want or desire. We do not have any clear goals and do not set set our priorities right. Most times we leave the important just to attend to the urgent. We procrastinate instead of acting and blame others for our problems instead of facing the source of most of our problems: "our selves".

We need to pay attention to what a close attention to what Jesus said. Leave the urgent to attend to the important. Be proactive. Start living effectively. For our lives to change, we need to change the ways we do things. We don't have to wait for other people to act before we start acting. We need to know we and we alone have the power to change our lives and transform our lives for better putting God first in all our activities and make sure our activities are in align with what God wants. And as you change your ways and start acting diligently, you will start seeing positive changes in your lives.

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Secret to Answered Prayers

Memory Verse: Luke 17:6
He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.
Most times when we pray or ask God for something or we want him to change something in our life, we wait for a while; when we do not see answers to our requests, we start doubting ourselves and even doubt if there is a God. We ask ourselves this question: does God answer prayers? All we need is just little faith. The bible explains faith in Hebrews chapter 11. It defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen and further says it is impossible to please him without faith: for he that come to God must believe that he his a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

The challenge with most of us is that when we forward our request to God, we do not even believe he his going to answer how request. We ask God doubting if he his going to answer how request. We need to know that God is willing and able to answer our requests. All he needs is for us to jut do a little task. Believe with the whole of our heart that he his able to answer our request. We need to log our request to God with a picture of we having the request in our hearts from the beginning. You might think and even say that it is not logical but remember that God uses the stupid things of the world to confront the wise. God gave is son for our redemption and loves us so much and is willing to answer your request.

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Guiding Your Heart

Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:23
Guide your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.
The heart is arguably the most delicate organ in the body. It is the center of human life. Without it functioning properly, life ceases from the body. As important as taking care of the heart like having regular exercise, taking the right diet and resting well so is the information that enters our heart. What we listen to as a way of influencing our decisions, thus our lives.

We need to consciously decide what we choose to listen to, the kind of information that will enter our heart, the kind of words we hear from our friends. For instance, If I apply for a contract with good faith and I have friends who discourages me; saying that I will forfeit the contract do you know how that could change the way my heart will feel about the contract. Even if I refuse to put my mind, they have already sown seeds of doubt in my heart. Also listening to things from friends whose thought are negative can affect us. We need not to listen to all news because they have a way of separating us from our maker. God loves us and has great things installed for us. We need to guide our heart for his sake because he is the reason why we are alive.

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