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We believe everybody has the ability and capacity to change the circumstances around them for good. If everybody contributes in their own little way,.. Find out more...

Walking in Love: What you need and what the world need

love between two couples

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. -Mother Teresa
When we are told to walk in love what often come to our mind is why should we walk in love, the world hasn't done much for me, most people don't really care about me so why should I show love to these people. You can never unlock your full strength and abilities if you don't walk in love. People who create legacies only set their legacy through their love walk. Life's journey is much easier when we work in love and we can only fulfill our potentials when we walk in love.

Most times in life, the world often despise people who show them love. The world considers people walking in love as being weak and they are often prosecuted and taken for granted. What happens at the end is that their love walk pays dividends. Being great is not about fulfilling your needs alone, its about taking a bigger step and fulfilling the needs of others. Most people at first run away from love but end up coming back when they see the love continues and the love shown to them is genuine. What people really need is love. When people have what they want they no longer want what they have because material things are only short time fix. The hidden desire of everyone is love. Walking in love heals you and then heals the world through you.

Walking in love is the only lasting solution. Walking in love is the permanent fix to your problems and the world problems. The world awaits you to start your love walk. Success awaits you when you walk and act in love. When you walk in love you see people’s problem and solutions to their problem. When you walk in love you are destined for greatness.
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What Really Matters: Being Yourself

Free girl walking on a beach

A lot of emphasis has been made on being yourself but most time we find ourselves wishing to be like and copying other people. No one can truly fulfil their potential if they keep wanting to be like others. You won't be happy with yourself if you keep wanting to act like other people. You won't appreciate your gifts and talents if you keep staring at other people’s gifts and talents. Most times,  we treat ourselves unfairly by focusing on other people’s strengths neglecting their weaknesses while we focus on our weeknesses neglecting our strengths. Most times, we victimise ourselves the way we look at ourselves. We often make ourselves feel bad because we are under performing whereas it is due to us comparing other people’s middle to our beginning.

What really matters is being yourself. No one is like you and no one can ever be like you. You can only be you and only you can be you. No matter how hard you try you will still be you. Surgery, makeups, dressing can change your appearance but it can't change you. No one can be you. You are unique. Other people can think similarly, but no one can think like you. Others can copy you but no one can be you. No one has your abilities. You are your own genius. You were made to beat records because records measure other people's limit but not your limit. Only you has the power to set your limit. Only you can make your record.

Be the best you can be because you deserve the best. Be your best and beat your best. Your best is limitless, your best is boundless. Your best can become the best. You can never be the best while copying others because they are doing their best so they will be the best. Be yourself then you can unlock impossibilities. Be yourself so you can unlock your best. Be yourself and you can become the best.
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5 Lessons To Learn From Successful Relationships

In life, most people dream of having a successful relationship but don't have it because as much as they desire it, their actions don't match their desire. Most people expect their relationships to be like the relationships displayed in Hollywood movies but in reality that rarely happens. Life is not a movie in which you have a second chance to act the scenes. Successful relationships don't happen just by merely wishing. Your choices and actions determine the outcome of your relationship. These are 5 lessons to learn from successful relationships.

Couple holding hands
Be honest, brutally honest. That is what's going to maintain relationships. -Lauryn Hill

1.  Start With A Plan

A plan is very important important in a relationship as it is very important in other areas of life. Where do you want your relationship to go? What do you want out of your relationship? Most times,  we get caught up in the minor things in a relationship that we forget about the main thing. We get caught up on all the exotic dates, what to wear that we fail to attend to the main thing which is how to sustain our relationship.

Share your expectations with your partner and findout if they are aligned with theirs. Findout if your plan fits in your partner's plan. It's better to be face the pain of leaving the relationship while the relationship is young than when the relationship has grown.

2. Honesty

When someone we are close to tells a lie to us, it hurts more not because of what the person have said but due to the emotional attachment we have with that person. Trust is difficult to make but easy to break. When you lie or tell half-truths to your partner, you breach the trust in your relationship. A lie needs committed  for it to be kept. Every lie you tell your partner will be need a couple more lies to back it up leading to an exponential increase of your lies.

Be honest to your partner. The truth hurt sometimes but it's important to say it. Telling lies in your relationship only brings short term fix. You sacrifice the future of your relationship for the present. What will happen when your partner finally discovers the truth? Most times, the truth told early can save a relationship than a lie that gets exposed later.

3. Explaining Yourself

Always explain yourself to your spouse. Assumption is the mother of all misunderstanding in a relationship. Sometimes, we often make ourselves feel victimised by assuming that our partner understands what we are going through. We want our partner to be able know how we are feeling, hug us when we need a hug and when our spouse doesn't meet up to our thought, we make our partner the vilian.

Don't assume that your spouse will always know what you are going through. Your partner might be sensitive enough to observe there is a difference in your behaviour sometime, but not everytime. Tell your partner how you feel and make your partner understand you.

4. Seek To Understand first

Have you ever said something harsh only on hearing half the story and after hearing the full story you wish you could take back your words? Most times we often let our emotions get the best of us and we fail to do the simple most important thing; listening. You can't understand your partner if you don't listen attentively. Your partner won't always tell you everything. Sometimes, important information about the wellbeing of your partner can only be obtained when you listen carefully.

5. Not Saying Things That Does Not Matter

Most people create future problems in their relationship by saying things in which is of no use to their relationship. Your past might not have gone smoothly so bringing up the events of your past in your new relationship won't do your new relationship any good. Words are like seeds which can never be taken back when spoken. Each word spoken to your partner is a seed sown which will germinate and yield fruits. The fruits totally depends on what you have said. Telling your spouse about the mistakes you have made in your past relationship is sowing a bad seed which will lead to negative results.

Follow this rule: if it is not necessary and it is not important,  don't say it. Don't mistake carelessness for honesty. Somethings are better not said. Don't tell your partners things about yourself in which you will regret after you have said it.

The Floor is Yours

Some lessons have been mention but it is time forbus to hear from you. Share with us other lessons which can be learnt from successful relationships.

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8 Things You Should Stop Dwelling On

Everything in life happens for a reason but most times we focus more on the negative part and dwell on it. We focus on what has happened or what the worse can happen and let them imprison us. Most times, we let these thoughts take control of our lives and prevent us from living the best life we ought to live. We dwell on things which in most of the time will never happen. These are 8 things you stop dwelling on.

Dwelling on, Thinking on

The Future

The future is the collection of the activities you carryout. Your future totally depends on what you do everyday. Don't waste your time dwelling on what the future holds, what will happen or what will not happen. Nothing will happen except you take responsibility for it. Most  of the time, what we worry the most about don't happen. Make your focus how you can make each day, each week, each month, each year productive because the future depends on it.


Fear is not real. It is a mirage that goes away once you act. A famous quote from Henry Ford says, "One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do". Anything you are scared of can be achieved.  Take a pause think about everything you have achieved from your first step, reading, riding a bicycle, passing an examination,  passing an interview, asking a lady out as a man or giving birth for a woman. All this things at a time you thought you couldn't do them but now you can.

Don't let your fears steal your dreams. Don't let your fears prevent you from having a better life. Don't let your fears make you regret what you could have achieved but you didn't because of your fears. The pain of regret hurts more than the pain of acting when in fear.

What Others feel about you

What others feel about you in most cases doesn't matter. Feelings are subject to change and basing your actions on feelings which in most times are temporary will limit your progress. What you think of yourself is what really matters because you are a reflection of your thought. You can't please everyone. There will always be a few if not many that will always draw you backward. So dwelling on what others feel about you won't make you move forward.

Heart break

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out at the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. When the door of happiness closes another opens but most often we look so long and dwell at the closed door that we don't see the door which has been open for us.

Heartbreaks hurt but dwelling on a heartbreak hurts even more. You can't let go if you keep holding on. You can't move on if you keep dwelling on the past. Don't let past events limit present and future events. Move on with your life because the more you dwell on it, the more emotionally attached you become.

Your Performance

Don't beat yourself up because things didn't go as planned. Don't be angry with yourself because you couldn't meet the perfect mark you had set for yourself. No one is perfect and trying to be perfect will lead to more hurt because you will keep setting standards which you won't meet. Don't dwell on perfection, instead, design each goal or activity to be a continuation of the previous one. Make your focus more on continuous development not instant perfection and in a short while, you will attain the mark in which you have set.

Starting something new

Doers rule the world not just thinkers. Sometimes, you just have to do what needs to be done. Don't forget the actual work that needs to be done because you spent your time over analysing. There will always one idea and  another but what matters is acting one or else at the end of the day, you will end up not doing anything. Always start each project by giving yourself reasons why you want to start the project because when the road gets tough, you will need the reasons to keeep you going.

What others say is impossible

Impossibility depends on your perspective. If you can't picture it, you won't feature in it. Everything that is possible today was once thought to be impossible. It all depends on you. Dwelling on what others say is an impossible task is will also make the task impossible for you to accomplish. As a man thinketh so is he. Believe you can and you are already fifty percent done. Don't let what other people say is impossible be your own definition of impossibility. Don't dwell on the negativity from other people.

How you feel about yourself

The way you feel about yourself matters because your feelings easily control your actions. If you think you are inferior to other people in the same room as you are, you begin to act inferior and people see you as being inferior. The more you value yourself, the more others value you. The better you present yourself, the better people accept you. Be confident because your confidence promotes you and if you can't promote yourself, no one will.

The Floor is Yours

There is still so much to be mentioned but it's time to hear from you. What other things do you think shouldn't be dwelled on for so long. Share your views and experience with us.

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5 Causes of Emotional Hurt and How To Overcome It

When people say their heart is full of stone, it means their heart has been so hurt that they don't want to get hurt any longer. The human heart can't be healed like the human body. It takes God, forgiveness and personal effort to heal the human heart. God did not promise us that we will not get hurt. What God promises is that he will be with us during the time we get hurt. Life hurts, your mom, dad, family, friends have hurt you and you too have hurt people too. The older you grow the more you hurt you will become. These are 5 causes of emotional hurt and now to overcome it.

Don't make a permanent decision for a temporary emotion

1. Abuse

Abuse can come from any means. It can be from parents, family,  friends,  ex lover. Abuse makes you create a wall around your heart to prevent other people from hurting you. What you must see is that the protective wall serves two purposes: It prevents further hurt and it also pushes away people who want to help you. It takes a forgiving heart, being patient and determination to heal the heart of someone who has been abused because being abused, especially during childhood days, lowers self esteem. Indulging in habits like consumption of excessive alcohol, taking hard drugs, prostitution or womanising so say the least won't let the memory go away. What you are doing is only a temporary relief and taking a temporary relief will result to more hurt.

The first step in overcoming this cause of hurt is understanding that you were hurt because of the weakness of someone else and then realising what you have lost during the time of your grieve and what you will still loose if you continue working this mindset. Your future and happiness is not defined by your past. Life is too short to grieve throughout it. What has happened has happened. Your heart have been hurt but its left for you pick the pieces back together.

2. Rejection

Being rejected causes emotional hurt and leads to segregation. It makes you isolate yourself, not wanting to associate with other people. It makes you to be afraid of yourself because it empowers your fear by bringing flash backs of how you have been rejected in time past and how you felt when you were rejected. Rejection makes it difficult to love someone because you don't want to loose your guard. You don't want a repetition of your past experience. This makes you a slave to the fear of being rejected.

In order to overcome the emotional hurt caused by rejection, you have to let go of the past. Holding on to the past is living in the past. Protecting yourself is good but you are doing it in the wrong way. The best way to protect yourself is to surround yourself with people who love you. If you are in a relationship with someone who is still experiencing emotional hurt caused by past rejection, all you have to do is to show love. Make the person see that love exists.

3. Unanswerd prayers

When you pray and you don't see result, you can be emotionally hurt. Don't get worked up and make yourself feel insignificant because of your unanswered prayers. Don't kill your belief and make yourself rebel against what you stood for.

Everything happens for a reason. Trials come to make us stronger. Progress is most often disguised as obstacles. Don't loose hope. Don't loose faith because the problem appears greater than what you can handle. God will never make you pass through challenges greater than your ability. Be patient your dawn is in the horizon.

4. Failure

When you have tried so hard and you do not succeed hurts emotionally. Failure creates a sense of uselessness in the mind. It creates negativity and makes you care less. It results to you not believing in one's ability due to the hurt caused by having no results to show for your efforts.

The only way to overcome emotional hurt caused by failure is to succeed. Failure is a step in the journey to success. You can't pull down a building with a single punch. You have to reinforce yourself and then try again.

5. Disbelief

When you do your best to make someone believe you and they don't, it hurts emotionally. It hurts when you explain yourself to someone and the person isn't convinced with what you have said. Disbelief makes you not to explain yourself or give reasons for future actions.

You will never be able to please everyone. Not everybody will ever understand you. Work for a cause not for applause, live your life to express yourself not to impress, don't strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence felt. Be yourself, no photocopy is worth more than the original. Make honesty and integrity be the foundation of all your relationships because there can't be disbelief when there is honesty and integrity.

After Thoughts

Overcoming emotional hurt is ninety percent completed if you believe you can do it. Your determination takes the other part. Share your success story of overcoming and emotional hurt and if you are still experiencing such, feel free to contact us, we will like to help you out.

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6 Inspiring Entrepreneurial Stories You Should Know About

Most stories on successful entrepreneurs mainly focus on what the entrepreneur has achieved  and not on the challenges, failures and recovery measures the entrepreneur took. This article focuses on the stories of 6 successful entrepreneurs who against odds proved themselves right and are celebrated for their success.

Inspiring Entrepreneurship stories, success stories

1. J. K. Rowling (Female, Author)

I was as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain without being homeless. But rock bottom became a solid foundation on which my life was built.  -J. K. Rowling

Rowling first came up with the idea of a boy discovering he was a wizard on a delayed train to Manchester. But it would be seven years before that idea would become a book.

After her mother's death, Rowling left for Portugal to become a teacher and married a Portuguese TV journalist. They were only married for eleven months, and Rowling was fired from her teacher job for day-dreaming. She was now an unemployed and single parent. She admits to having lived in a mice-infested flat, struggling to raise her daughter on a welfare check of £70 a week. Unable to spend money on heating, she regularly warmed up in cafés, where she revisited the idea of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was initially rejected 12 times. But the rest is history; today, Rowling is author of the best-selling book series in history.

2. Henry Ford (Male, Ford Motor Company)

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward. -Henry Ford

In his early days, Henry Ford demonstrated some of the characteristics that would make him successful, powerful, and famous. He organized other boys to build rudimentary water wheels and steam engines. He learned about full-sized steam engines by becoming friends with the men who ran them. He taught himself to fix watches, and used the watches as textbooks to learn the rudiments of machine design. Thus, young Ford demonstrated mechanical ability, a facility for leadership, and a preference for learning by trial-and-error. These characteristics would become the foundation of his whole career.

Ford could have followed in his father’s footsteps and become a farmer. But young Henry was fascinated by machines and was willing to take risks to pursue that fascination. He left the farm to become an apprentice at the Michigan Car Company, a manufacturer of railroad cars in Detroit. Over the next two-and-one-half years he held several similar jobs, sometimes moving when he thought he could learn more somewhere else.

You probably know about Ford's achievements in automobile production, but...

  • As a child, he was inspired by his mother, who encouraged his interest in tinkering.
  • His father was a farmer. He encouraged Henry’s interest in the use of machines on the farm.
  • He was fired from his first job.
  • Henry built his first gasoline engine at home and tested it in the kitchen. He mounted it on the kitchen sink.
  • Thomas Edison was Henry Ford’s role model and later his close friend.
  • He built and drove race cars early in his career to demonstrate that his engineering designs produced reliable vehicles.
  • He failed with his first two companies before he succeeded with Ford Motor Company.

3. Bill Gates (Male,  Microsoft)

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. -Bill Gates

Bill showed early signs of competitiveness when he coordinated family athletic games at their summer house on Puget Sound. He also relished in playing board games (Risk was his favorite) and excelled at Monopoly. Bill was a voracious reader as a child, spending many hours pouring over reference books such as the encyclopedia. At the age of 15, Bill Gates went into business with his pal, Paul Allen (17). They developed "Traf-o-Data," a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, and netted $20,000 for their efforts.

IBM was looking for software that would operate their upcoming personal computer (PC) and approached Microsoft. Gates convinced them that he and his company could meet their needs. The only problem was that Microsoft had not developed the basic operating system that would run IBM's new computers. Not to be stopped, Gates bought an operating system that was developed to run on computers similar to IBM's PC. He made a deal with the software's developer, making Microsoft the exclusive licensing agent and later full owner of the software but not telling them of the IBM deal. The company later sued Microsoft and Gates for withholding important information. Microsoft settled out of court for an undisclosed amount, but neither Gates nor Microsoft admitted to any wrong doing. Gates  delivered it for a $50,000 fee, the same price he had paid for the software in its original form. IBM wanted to buy the source code, which would have given them the information to the operating system. Gates refused, instead proposing that IBM pay a licensing fee for copies of the software sold with their computers. Doing this allowed Microsoft to license the software they called MS-DOS to any other PC manufacturer, should other computer companies clone the IBM PC, which they soon did. Microsoft also released software called Softcard, which allowed Microsoft BASIC to operate on Apple II machines.

4. Indra Nooyi (Female, PepsiCo)

You need to start off saying that you have got to work twice as hard as your male, or any, counterparts. -Indra Nooyi

Although Nooyi did not grow up in the poorest conditions, her story is one of humble origins, set in middle-class India.

Nooyi moved to the US in pursuit of a management degree with barely any money. She worked as a receptionist from midnight to sunrise to earn enough to buy her first suit for a job interview and to pay for her college fees. All her hard work paid off, however, when she landed positions at Johnson and Johnson and Motorola upon graduation.

After six years of directing international corporate strategy projects at Boston Consulting Group and another four years as vice-president at Asea Brown Boveri, Nooyi joined PepsiCo as CEO.

5. Oprah Winfrey ( Female, Media proprietor)

Whatever happens to us, happens for a reason. Everyone of us, surely in my case, gets through the tough times because somebody is there, standing in the gap to close it for us. -Oprah Winfrey

When she was a baby, Winfrey's parents separated and left their daughter  to live with her grandparents. For the first six years of her life, Winfrey wore dresses made out of potato sacks. When she turned six, her mother came to get her. Winfrey was abused by her mother's relatives until she was sent to live with her father at the age of 14.

He was strict and would not accept anything less than what he thought was the best for her. This change of environment turned her life around. She became an honour student, won a scholarship and became the first African American woman to become a news anchor, all at the age of 19.

She later became the host for an early morning talk show named AM Chicago, which was later renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show.

6. Samuel Walton (Male, Walmart)

If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you - like a fever. -Sam Walton

This American entrepreneur who built a small grocery store into the giant Walmart supermarket chain, amassing a fortune of over $23 billion, grew up during the Great Depression.

He had numerous chores to help make financial ends meet for his family as was common at the time. He milked the family cow, bottled the surplus, and drove it to customers. Afterwards, he would deliver Columbia Daily Tribune newspapers on a paper route. In addition, he also sold magazine subscriptions. During his college, he worked various odd jobs, including waiting tables in exchange for meals. After graduation, he joined the US Army during the World War II. After the war, he left the military and started managing a variety store at the age of 26.

He took a loan to buy his first store, and thanks to simple innovations in business, he soon bought his second store. Within 3 years, his sales volume grew to $225,000. The first true Wal-Mart opened on July 2, 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. The rest is history. Forbes ranked Sam Walton as the richest person in the United States from 1982 to 1988. At the time of his death in 1992, he had 1,960 Wal-Mart stores, employed 380,000 people and clocked annual sales of about $50 billion.

Talk Back

What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur. Share your stories with us.
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15 Famous Quotes That Teaches Persistency You Should Always Remember

Struggling to make an impact today doesn't mean you can't succeed tomorrow. Obstacles are exams we all have to pass in order to reach the next phase of our development. There will always be people and situations that will discourage you but a fact is that you won't be the first person to get discouraged. What really counts is if you are going to be like the large majority who quits or are you going to be like the few who venture into the road less travelled. These are 15 famous quotes that teaches persistency you should always remember.

Famous Quotes That Teaches Persistency

1. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -Thomas Jefferson

2. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. -Zig Ziglar

3. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. -Brian Tracy

4. Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy. -Saadi

5. Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way. -Joel Osteen

6. If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes. -John Wooden

7. Have patience with all things, But, first of all with yourself. -Saint Francis de Sales

8. Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do... but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there. -Venus Williams

9. To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. -Tony Dorsett

10. Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way. -Joel Osteen

11. Don't let people disrespect you. My mom says don't open the door to the devil. Surround yourself with positive people. -Cuba Gooding, Jr.

12. Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event. -Brian Tracy

13. It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. -Robert H. Schuller

14. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. -Helen Keller

15. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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Partnership: Taking Your Business To The Next Level

One of the painful reasons small businesses remain small and eventually fade off is because they fail to partner with the right people. One of the reasons small entrepreneurs will always remain small is also because they fail to partner with other right entrepreneurs.  Running all tasks in your business yourself can appear simple to you in the short term but in the long term fatigue and other factors like complexity sets in. Brain drain which is simply the loss of creativity sets in when you put yourself under more stress than you can handle. So the question you must be thinking is how can I partner with the right people inorder to take myself and my business to the next level I desire. The answer to the question is discussed briefly below.

Partnership;  Taking Yourself To The Next Level

1. Start By Doing Your Own Thing.

The journey of a million miles all starts with the very first step. A single action is worth more than millions of spoken words. Nobody wants to do business with someone who constantly draws them back.  Start doing your own thing first. It may seem little to you but most successful individual, businesses you admire once started at that level.

2. Be Open To Expansion

A champion somewhere can be a learner in another place. People are always attracted to the dilligent with a vision. Your business has unlimited boundaries and is only limited by your mind. Partner with the right people who will help you grow your busines. Partnership doesn't mean you will lose ownership of your business. It is mutually sharing responsibilities for the growth of the business.  It is mutual because you also have to play your part.

3. Expect Bad Company

This is quite sad but it is the truth. As much as there will be people who wants to help you, there will also be people who who wants to take advantage of your situation. You can't really control the people you will meet in this your new found path but you can choose to control your reaction and learn from your failures and stumbling blocks. The true secret to success is in learning from your mistakes.

Your Turn

Share your views on how you made effective partnership in your previous business.  Drop your comments in the section below.

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3 Things To know About Business

Entrepreneural is a thing that builds the world and can never be removed from the society. Those people at the realm of affairs in the society knows what being an entrepreneural entails. Sometimes you may wonder, 'If I want to be like them what do I do?', and the answer is to start a business, but starting a business is not by a mere dream but by action. To make the business grow there are some few things we must consider and put in place;

3 Things To know About Business


          Starting a business is not difficult if the necessary resources are put in place but one thing that can bring it down is your lack of knowledge on the ethics of the business you want to venture into. Every business has its own ethics, its pros and cons. Every business has some rules that governs it. When you fail to know those rules and you fail to respect the ethics of the business therefore planning to fail. You must seek and know the rules and regulations of the business you are venturing in. The moment you cross that line and disrespect the rules your business will start to collapse, so before you venture into a business you need to have adequate knowledge on what governs such business, what the ethic says for your business to be successful.


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5 Things Your Lover Expects From You

 5 Things Your Lover Expects From You
 The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves in them. -Thomas Merton

A successful relationship can only be  built on a foundation of love, trust, understanding and then you sacrifice. You sacrifice what is good to obtain something better. The major source of problem in any relationship is  the problem of expectation. Understanding the expectation of your spouse is key to experiencing a successful relationship.  If you are going through challenges in your relationship, before you quit, ask yourself this question: 'am I meeting the expectations of my spouse?' These are five things your lover expects from you.

1. Your Love

Love is the binding factor of any relationship. If there is no love then there is no relationship . Your love is what sparked into a  relationship. Keep the fire glowing in your relationship.

As the relationship progresses, most people begin to forget what started their love story. Don't fall into that category. Don't stop the things you did that made your spouse fall in love with you. Keep the spark, your spouse expects that from you. That's the foundation of your love; don't forget it.

2. Your Support

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